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13.Water fish refers to a type of fish that lives in water, mainly inhabiting in freshwater or seawater. They have basic features of fish such as scales, gills, and vertebrates. Different types of water fish have different forms and habits, but they all need water to survive.

14.According to their living environment and characteristics, water fish can be divided into two major categories: freshwater fish and saltwater fish. Freshwater fish mainly live in rivers, lakes, and ponds, such as grass carp, blue gourami, tilapia, etc. Saltwater fish live in the ocean, such as tuna, yellowtail amberjack, ribbonfish, etc.

15.In addition to the above two categories, there are also some special aquatic animals known as "half-salt half-fresh" or "half-salt half-salt" fishes. They can freely migrate between freshwater and seawater environments, such as mahi-mahi and pufferfish.

16.As an important source of food for humans, many people have a strong interest in various types of water fish. Besides being used for food consumption, they are also important fisheries resources that provide rich nutritional value for humans.

17.The characteristics of water fish are mainly reflected in their form and habits. Generally, water fish have streamlined bodies that are conducive to swimming quickly in water. They also have gills as respiratory organs to absorb oxygen from the water.

18.Different types of water fish have different characteristics. For example, freshwater fish are generally small in size and live in freshwater environments, where they are good at preying on insects and plankton. Saltwater fish, on the other hand, have larger body sizes and live in the ocean, where they prey on other smaller fish.

19.In addition to physical differences, different types of water fish also have different habits. Some freshwater fish prefer to live in groups, such as silver arowana and guppies; while others prefer to live alone, such as goldfish and koi.

20.For those who enjoy watching aquatic animals, water fish are also popular pets. Many people breed various types of tropical freshwater or rare marine ornamental fishes, such as guppies, angelfish, seahorses, etc.

21.Apart from being used for food consumption and ornamental purposes, water fish also play an important ecological role. They can help maintain the balance of aquatic communities, control the proliferation of harmful substances in the water and keep the water clean.

22.In summary, water fish refer to a type of fish that lives in water. They can be divided into two major categories: freshwater fish and saltwater fish according to their living environment and characteristics. They have basic features like streamlined bodies and gills and exhibit different forms and habits. Besides being used for food consumption and ornamental purposes, they also play an important ecological role.

23.Words: Freshwater fishes; Saltwater fishes; Half-salt half-fresh fishes; Edible fishes; Ornamental fishes; Important fisheries resources; Group-living freshwater fishes; Solitary freshwater fishes; Tropical freshwater fishes; Rare marine ornamental fishes.


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