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水鬼(shuǐ guǐ)










Water g is a mysterious creature widely existed in traditional Chinese culture, which is considered as an evil spirit living in the water with powerful strength and eerie abilities. In folk tales, water gs are often described as tall and fierce-looking creatures with horns on their heads, holding tridents or harpoons, and they often haunt rivers, lakes and seas, using tricks and illusions to deceive humans and prey on them.

2. The Legend and Origin of Water Gs

There are various theories about the origin of water gs. Some believe that they were once ordinary humans who drowned in unfortunate events and turned into evil spirits. Others believe that they were transformed from ancient evil gods. Regardless of which theory is true, it shows the close connection between water gs and death and evil.

Legends about water gs can be found in different parts of China. The most famous one is the love story between White Snake Spirit and Xu Xian, which was adapted into the classic Chinese folktale "Legend of the White Snake". In this story, White Snake Spirit is believed to be a kind of water g with the ability to transform into a beautiful woman to deceive men and absorb their vitality. Additionally, there are also stories about water gs and fishermen or boatmen, often used as a warning to remind people not to be tempted by comfort and wealth and forget to respect nature.

3. The Meaning of Water Gs

As an evil spirit, water gs are often depicted as wicked and ferocious beings in folk tales. They are good at using tricks and illusions to deceive humans and prey on them. Therefore, in traditional Chinese culture, water gs are often seen as ominous creatures, and people tend to avoid mentioning them or find ways to ward them off.

4. Pronunciation of Water Gs

In Chinese: shuǐ guǐ

5. The Meaning of Water Gs

Example sentences:

1. It is said that there is a fierce water g living in this river.

2. Fishermen say that there is a terrifying water g in this sea area.

3. Xiao Ming dares not play by the river alone because he is afraid of encountering a water g.

4. According to legend, only the brave can drive away water gs.

5. Strange incidents happening in this village are all attributed to water gs.

6. The Meaning of Water Gs

Related words: Water demon, sea demon, river demon, lake spirit, lake monster


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