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1. 毛驴是一种食草动物,属于马科,是驴的一个亚种。它们的身体覆盖着厚厚的毛发,头部有长耳朵和长而粗壮的尾巴,四肢结实,适应力强。

2. 毛驴(máo lǘ)的读音为“máo”第一声,“lǘ”轻声。在北方地区也有人称其为“骡子”。

3. 毛驴主要生活在温暖干燥的地区,如欧洲、亚洲和非洲。它们通常生活在群体中,以草、叶子和树皮为食。毛驴具有耐力强、负重能力大、抗寒能力强等特点,在农业和运输领域有着重要作用。

4. 例句1:这匹毛驴一天可以拉动500公斤的货物。





5. 组词:毛驴皮、毛驴肉、毛驴骨、毛驴车、毛驴鞭等。

6. The donkey is a herbivorous animal, belonging to the Equidae family and is a subspecies of the donkey. They have thick fur covering their body, long ears and a long, sturdy tail. Their strong limbs make them adaptable to various environments.

The pronunciation of donkey (máo lǘ) is “máo” with the first tone and “lǘ” with the neutral tone. In some northern regions, they are also called “mule”.

Donkeys mainly inhabit warm and dry regions such as Europe, Asia and Africa. They usually live in groups and feed on grass, leaves and bark. Donkeys are known for their endurance, carrying capacity and ability to withstand cold weather, making them important in agriculture and transportation.


1. This donkey can pull up to 500 kilograms of goods in a day.

2. Farmers use donkeys for plowing their fields.

3. Donkeys are an essential means of transportation in traditional weddings.

4. This donkey has been with the old farmer for over ten years.

5. Visitors can ride on donkeys to explore scenic areas.

Related words: donkey skin, donkey meat, donkey bones, donkey cart, donkey whip.

In conclusion, the donkey is a hardworking animal that has been playing an important role in human society for centuries. Its sturdy build and strong adaptability make it a valuable asset in various industries such as agriculture and transportation. Let's appreciate these humble creatures that have been supporting us silently behind the scenes.


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