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2.“死得其所”的读音为“sǐ dé qí suǒ”,其中,“死”读作“sǐ”,第一声,“得”读作“dé”,第二声,“其”读作“qí”,第二声,“所”读作“suǒ”,第四声。



1. 他虽然身患绝症,但是却依然保持着乐观积极的态度,最终成为了一位死得其所的人。

2. 她经历了一生中各种挫折和困难,但是最终她还是死得其所,享受着内心深处的平静和满足。

3. 这位老人虽然身体已经不再健康,但是他却依然保持着对生活的热爱和感激,成为了一个死得其所的人。



1. 安详、满足、坚定、乐观、积极、勇敢

2. 信念、心态、热爱、感激、贡献

3. 绝症、挫折、困难、身体不健康

4. 特定群体、各行各业、年龄层次

5.The person who dies in peace refers to those who can leave peacefully without regrets and pain at the end of their lives. These people can be said to be lucky because they can find inner peace and satisfaction at the end of their lives.

6.The pronunciation of "死得其所" is "sǐ dé qí suǒ", where "死" is pronounced as "sǐ" with the first tone, "得" is pronounced as "dé" with the second tone, "其" is pronounced as "qí" with the second tone, and "所" is pronounced as "suǒ" with the fourth tone.

7.These people often have strong beliefs and a positive attitude. They are full of love and gratitude for life, and can bravely face any difficulties and challenges. They also use their lives to do more meaningful things and contribute to society.


1. Although he suffered from a terminal illness, he still maintained an optimistic and positive attitude, ultimately becoming a person who died in peace.

2. She experienced various setbacks and difficulties in her life, but in the end she died in peace, enjoying the inner peace and satisfaction.

3. Although this old man's health is no longer good, he still maintains his love and gratitude for life, becoming a person who dies in peace.

8.The person who dies in peace is not a specific group of people. They can come from different industries and age groups. But they all have the same characteristics: they can grasp their own destiny at the end of their lives and leave without regrets.

9.Word combinations:

1. Peaceful, satisfied, determined, optimistic, positive, brave

2. Belief, attitude, love, gratitude, contribution

3. Terminal illness, setback, difficulty, poor health

4. Specific group of people; various industries; age groups

10.In summary,the person who dies in peace is someone who can leave this world without regrets or pain at the end of their life. They have a positive attitude towards life and use their lives to make meaningful contributions to society. This term does not refer to a specific group of people but rather to those who possess certain characteristics such as strong beliefs and an optimistic outlook on life.


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