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2.毫无建树的意思是指一个人或者一件事情没有任何有益的贡献,没有任何成果或者进展,毫无建树可以说是一种消极的表现。读音为[máo wú jiàn shù]。



- 毫无作为:指一个人或者一件事情没有任何有益的贡献,没有任何成果或者进展。

- 毫无价值:指某事物缺乏价值、意义或重要性。

- 毫无收获:指在某件事情上付出努力却没有得到任何回报。

- 毫不起眼:指某物不引人注意、不突出、不突出。

- 毫不留情:指做事决绝、不留余地。

5. The meaning of "毫无建树" is that a person or thing has made no beneficial contribution, achieved no results, or made no progress. It can be seen as a negative performance.

1. He has made no contribution to the company in three years, and has made no progress.

2. The project has been going on for half a year, but has achieved nothing.

3. He has been working hard for years, but he is still penniless and without any achievements.

4. He is always full of grandiose ideas, but in the end he makes nothing of it.

5. The company invested a lot of resources in this project, but in the end it turned out to be fruitless.

6. 总的来说,“毫无建树”的意思是指一个人或者一件事情没有任何有益的贡献,没有任何成果或者进展。这种状态可以用来形容一个人在工作、学习或者生活中缺乏成就和进步。它是一种消极的表现,通常会让人感到失望和沮丧。因此,在工作和生活中,我们应该努力做出有意义的贡献,不断进步,避免变得毫无建树。


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