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2.桐柏宫(tóng bǎi gōng)的读音为/tʊŋ baɪ gʊŋ/。



(1) 桐柏宫是一处具有浓厚历史氛围的古迹。

(2) 桐柏宫的建筑风格独特,吸引了众多游客前来参观。

(3) 每年春节期间,桐柏宫都会举办盛大的庙会活动。

(4) 在桐柏宫内,可以看到许多精美的雕塑作品。

(5) 桐柏宫是一处值得一游的旅游胜地。


6.Tongbai Palace, also known as Tongbai Temple, is an ancient building located in Tongbai County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China. It was built in the late Northern Wei Dynasty and has a history of more than 1500 years. Covering an area of about 500,000 square meters, Tongbai Palace consists of main hall, Tianwang Hall, Guanyin Pavilion and other buildings. It is a comprehensive scenic spot integrating religion, culture and tourism.

The pronunciation of Tongbai Palace is /tʊŋ baɪ gʊŋ/.

Tongbai Palace is famous for its long history and rich culture. Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, it has been the center of Taoist activities. On important festivals, thousands of believers gather here to participate in sacrificial ceremonies. In addition to religious activities, Tongbai Palace also attracts many tourists to visit and appreciate its unique architectural style and exquisite sculpture art.


(1) Tongbai Palace is a historical site with a strong atmosphere.

(2) The unique architectural style of Tongbai Palace attracts many tourists to visit.

(3) During the Spring Festival every year, Tongbai Palace holds a grand temple fair.

(4) Inside Tongbai Palace, you can see many exquisite sculptures.

(5) Tongbai Palace is a must-visit tourist destination.

Words: Taoism, believers, sacrificial ceremonies, sculptures, tourism.

In summary, Tongbai Palace is not only a religious site but also a popular tourist attraction. Its long history and rich culture make it a unique place to visit. The exquisite architecture and sculptures inside the palace are worth appreciating. Whether you are interested in religion or just want to experience the charm of Chinese ancient architecture, Tongbai Palace is definitely worth a visit.


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