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1) 她做了一个关于被追赶的噩梦,这可能暗示她在现实生活中面临某种压力或挑战。

2) 他做了一个关于掉入深渊的噩梦,这可能表明他内心存在恐惧和不安。

3) 她做了一个关于与死去的父亲相见的梦,这可能反映出她对父亲的思念和内心的挣扎。

4) 他做了一个关于飞翔的梦,这可能暗示他渴望自由和追求更高的目标。

5) 她做了一个关于被困在迷宫中的梦,这可能她在现实生活中遇到了困难和挑战。


5.Dream is a virtual reality that people experience during sleep, consisting of a series of images, scenes and feelings generated by the brain. Dreams usually occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep stage, but can also occur during non-REM sleep stages. Dreams can reflect people's inner thoughts, feelings and experiences, and may also be related to their daily life experiences.

6.How to interpret dreams depends on individual understanding and interpretation skills. Generally speaking, dreams can be divided into two types: symbolic dreams and realistic dreams. Symbolic dreams use metaphors, analogies or symbols to express inner thoughts and emotions, which require decoding to understand; realistic dreams reflect daily life experiences and emotional states, and are usually more direct and easy to understand.


1) She had a nightmare about being chased, which may suggest that she is facing some pressure or challenge in real life.

2) He had a nightmare about falling into an abyss, which may indicate his inner fears and anxieties.

3) She had a dream about meeting her deceased father, which may reflect her longing for her father and inner struggles.

4) He had a dream about flying, which may imply his desire for freedom and pursuit of higher goals.

5) She had a dream about being trapped in a maze, which may represent the difficulties and challenges she is facing in real life.

8.Word combination: fantasy, dream, daydream, sleepwalking, flashback, nightmare, sleep, interpretation, symbolic, realistic.



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