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1. 桃根是一种植物的根部,属于蔷薇科植物,也称为桃木根。它生长在温暖的气候下,主要产地为和日本。桃根有着浓郁的桃子香味,因此也被用于调味料和药材。

2. 桃根含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和多种活性成分,具有很多功效。它被广泛应用于中医药领域,具有清热解毒、止血散瘀、消肿止痛等作用。

3. 读音读法:táo gēn。

4. 桃根可以治疗感冒发热、咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等症状。同时还可以改善肠胃功能、促进血液循环、增强免疫力等。另外,桃根还具有美容养颜的功效,可以减少皱纹和色斑,保持肌肤健康。

5. 例句:

1) 桃根具有清热解毒的功效,在夏天常常被用来制作凉茶。

2) 桃根可以用来治疗牙龈肿痛,具有止血散瘀的作用。

3) 中医认为,桃根可以消除湿气,有助于改善湿疹等皮肤问题。

4) 桃根粉末可以用来制作面膜,具有美白祛斑的效果。

5) 在日本,桃根被用来制作一种特殊的酒,具有养颜美容的功效。

6. 组词:桃根茶、桃根粉、桃根油、桃根面膜、桃根酒、桃根提取物。

7. Peach root, also known as peach wood root, is the root of a plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. It grows in warm climates and is mainly found in China and Japan. With its strong peach fragrance, peach root is used as a seasoning and medicinal herb.

Peach root contains rich vitamins, minerals and active ingredients, making it widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, sping bleeding and dispersing stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

Pronunciation: táo gēn.

Peach root can be used to treat symptoms such as colds, fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, etc. It can also improve gastrointestinal function, promote blood circulation and enhance immunity. In addition, peach root has the effect of beauty and anti-aging, reducing wrinkles and pigmentation to keep skin healthy.


1) Peach root has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and is often used to make herbal tea in summer.

2) Peach root can be used to treat gingival swelling and pain, with the effect of sping bleeding and dispersing stasis.

3) In traditional Chinese medicine, peach root can eliminate dampness and help improve skin problems such as eczema.

4) Peach root powder can be used to make facial masks, with the effect of whitening and removing pigmentation.

5) In Japan, peach root is used to make a special wine with the effects of beauty and anti-aging.

Compound words: peach root tea, peach root powder, peach root oil, peach root facial mask, peach root wine, peach root extract.


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