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1) 这张桌子是用上等的枫香木制作而成的。

2) 我们家里铺了一套枫香木地板。

3) 他的吉他是用枫香木制作的,音质非常好。

4) 我们每年秋天都会去公园欣赏枫香树叶变色的美景。

5) 这种药膏中含有枫香提取物,可以缓解咳嗽和感冒症状。


6.Maple is a plant belonging to the Sapindaceae family, also known as maple tree. It is a common tree species in North America and Eastern Asia. Maple trees are tall and upright, with smooth bark and palm-shaped leaves that turn red or yellow in autumn, making them highly ornamental.

The main characteristic of maple is its wood, which has a strong fragrance and is not easily deformed or cracked during processing. Therefore, maple wood is widely used in the production of furniture, flooring, musical instruments, etc. Maple is also an important medicinal plant used in traditional medicine to treat colds, coughs and other illnesses.

Maple is widely planted in North America and Eastern Asia, and holds significant cultural significance for the local people. It is considered the national tree of Canada and Japan, with a red maple leaf featured on the Canadian flag.

Example sentences:

1) This table is made of high-quality maple wood.

2) We have installed a set of maple wood flooring in our house.

3) His guitar is made of maple wood and has excellent sound quality.

4) Every autumn we go to the park to admire the beautiful colors of the maple leaves.

5) This ointment contains maple extract, which can relieve cough and cold symptoms.

Word combinations: maple tree, maple wood, maple extract, maple ointment, Canadian flag.

In conclusion, maple is a versatile plant with a strong cultural significance. Its wood is highly valued for its fragrance and durability, while its leaves add beauty to the autumn landscape. As a medicinal plant, it also provides health benefits. Maple truly embodies the saying "beauty and function in one".


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