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6.Wood beans are a common plant, also known as chicken eye beans, belonging to the legume family. Its seeds are a nutritious food and are widely used as vegetables and medicinal materials.

Wood beans can be divided into two types: one is the green immature fruit, and the other is the mature black dried fruit. They are both edible, but the dried fruit is more common. There are also many different varieties of wood beans, such as red wood beans, black wood beans, green wood beans, etc.

In addition to being used as food, wood beans also have medicinal value. It is believed to have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and relieving stranguria, reducing swelling and relieving pain. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to treat skin problems and diarrhea caused by damp-heat.

Example sentences:

1) This dish is added with some chopped wood beans, which makes it more delicious.

2) My mother often uses black wood beans to make soup, which is good for the body.

3) Can these green wood beans be eaten raw?

4) I heard that red wood beans can treat dizziness and blurred vision.

5) In rural areas, people often use wood beans to feed poultry.

Word combinations:

1) Wood bean leaves: the leaves of the wood bean plant, which can be used as a vegetable.

2) Wood bean juice: the juice extracted from wood beans, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

3) Wood bean powder: grinding dried wood beans into powder, which can be used as a seasoning or medicinal material.

4) Wood bean cakes: small biscuits made from wood bean powder, with a crispy texture.

5) Wood bean oil: oil extracted from wood bean seeds, which can be used for cooking or medicinal purposes.

In summary, wood beans are a type of legume that is not only a nutritious food but also has medicinal properties. They come in different varieties and can be used in various forms such as leaves, juice, powder, cakes, and oil. As an editor of dictionaries, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of different plants and their uses.


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