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昭君怨(zhāo jūn yuàn)






1. 昭君怨的故事让人感到心酸,也反映了古代社会的残酷现实。

2. 昭君怨一直被视为文学中最具性的爱情悲剧之一。

3. 在昭君怨的故事中,昭君和匈奴单于之间的爱情充满了矛盾和无奈。

4. 昭君怨是一个永远无法忘记的传说,它已经深深地烙印在人民的心中。

5. 通过昭君怨这个故事,我们可以看到古代社会对女性的不公平待遇。


1. 怨恨

2. 爱情

3. 悲剧

4. 故事

5. 传说

昭君怨(zhāo jūn yuàn):古代传说中关于昭君与匈奴单于之间悲惨爱情故事。

The Story of Zhaojun and the Huns:

Zhaojun's resentment was a tragic love story in ancient China, and it is also a literary genre. It tells the story of the love tragedy between Zhaojun and the Hunnic Chanyu (king). According to legend, Zhaojun was a beauty during the Han Dynasty and was chosen as Emperor Wu's concubine, but she was later forced to marry the Hunnic Chanyu and became his wife. During her time in the Hunnic tribe, Zhaojun was mistreated and bullied, and she eventually died of illness due to her homesickness for her homeland.

The story of Zhaojun's resentment goes like this: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent envoys to the Huns to propose a marriage alliance. However, before the envoys arrived, the Hunnic Chanyu had already seen Zhaojun's beauty and decided to take her as his wife. Emperor Wu was furious when he learned about this, but he could not change the situation.

After being forced to leave her homeland and come to the Hunnic tribe, Zhaojun suffered greatly from mistreatment and bullying. The Chanyu was not kind to her either; he had multiple concubines in his palace and often had affairs outside of marriage. Living in such a harsh environment, Zhaojun was deeply unhappy. She missed her homeland and Emperor Wu every day, praying that she could return home.

In the end, Zhaojun died of illness caused by homesickness for her homeland. Before passing away, she wrote a letter to Emperor Wu expressing her love and longing for him. In respect for her, the Huns buried her on a high mountain and erected a stone tablet as a memorial.

The story of Zhaojun's resentment has been passed down through generations and has become a classic theme in Chinese literature. It reveals the unpredictability of love and fate, as well as reflecting social issues such as women's low status and forced marriage with other ethnic groups in ancient times.


Zhaojun's resentment (zhāo jūn yuàn)


1. I heard you were writing an article about Zhaojun's resentment recently; I'm looking forward to reading it.

2. This movie is adapted from the tragic love story of Zhaojun's resentment from ancient legends.

3. They portrayed a deeply moving love story of Zhaojun's resentment.


1. The story of Zhaojun's resentment is heart-wrenching and reflects the harsh reality of ancient society.

2. Zhaojun's resentment has always been regarded as one of the most representative love tragedies in Chinese literature.

3. In the story of Zhaojun's resentment, the love between Zhaojun and the Hunnic Chanyu is full of contradictions and helplessness.

4. The legend of Zhaojun's resentment will forever be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.

5. Through the story of Zhaojun's resentment, we can see the unfair treatment of women in ancient society.

Related words:

1. Resentment

2. Love

3. Tragedy

4. Story

5. Legend


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