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1. 显现英文怎么写(怎么读)?的解释:


2. 显现英文怎么写(怎么读)?读音读法:

显现英文的发音为 /ˈʃəʊ ɪmˈɪŋlɪʃ/,其中,“sh”发音为清辅音 /ʃ/,重音在第一节,“ow”发音为双元音 /əʊ/,“i”发音为元音 /ɪ/,最后的“nglish”发音为清辅音 /lɪʃ/。

3. 显现英文怎么写(怎么读)?的用例:

1) The new technology can help students 显现英文 in a more interactive way.

2) The actress's talent 显现英文 in her latest movie.

3) The beauty of nature is often best 显现英文 through photography.

4) The data clearly 显现英文 that there is a need for change in our company.

5) His arrogance always seems to 显现英文 at the most inappropriate times.

4. 显现英文怎么写(怎么读)?组词:

1) 显现 (v.) - to appear, to show, to reveal

2) 英文 (n.) - English language

3) 表现 (v.) - to perform, to express, to demonstrate

4) 呈现 (v.) - to present, to display, to exhibit

5) 显示 (v.) - to display, to demonstrate, to exhibit

5. 显现英文怎么写(怎么读)?的中英文对照:

显现英文 - show/display English

解释 - explanation/definition

读音读法 - pronunciation/pronunciation guide

用例 - example/instance

组词 - related words/vocabulary



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