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2.无冬无夏的读音为"wú dōng wú xià",其中"dōng"和"xià"的音调都是第一声。



1. 他出生在一个气候温和、四季如春的地方,被称为“无冬无夏”的人。

2. 她没有明显的四季变化,性格也像是“无冬无夏”一样平稳。

3. 这个城市被称为“无冬无夏”的天堂,每个季节都宜人。

4. 组词:四季如春、气候温和、平静稳定、坚韧意志

5. The meaning of "wu dong wu xia" in Chinese zodiac is that there is no obvious change of seasons, which means a mild climate with little temperature change. In the zodiac, "wu dong wu xia" can be used to describe those who are born in such climate.

6. In Chinese zodiac, "wu dong wu xia" represents people who have a mild and stable personality, not easily affected by external environment changes. They are usually calm and steady, not easily excited or impulsive. At the same time, they also possess strong willpower and adaptability.

In summary, "wu dong wu xia" is a term used in Chinese zodiac to describe people who are born in a mild climate with little seasonal change. They have a calm and stable personality and possess strong willpower and adaptability. This term reflects the belief that one's birthplace can influence their personality traits.


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