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1. 文明的含义是指人类社会发展到一定程度后所表现出来的一种文化水平,是人类社会进步的标志。它包括了社会制度、道德观念、科学技术、艺术等方面的发展,是人类文化的集中体现。

2. 文明的特点有多种,主要可以分为以下几个方面:






3. 用例:






4. 组词:


5. 文明的含义是什么?文明的特点有哪些?

The meaning of civilization is what? What are the characteristics of civilization?

1. The meaning of civilization refers to a cultural level that is manifested by human society after reaching a certain stage of development, and it is a symbol of human social progress. It includes the development of social systems, moral concepts, science and technology, art and other aspects, and is the concentrated expression of human culture.

2. Civilization has many characteristics, which can be divided into the following aspects:

(1) Progress in social systems: An important characteristic of civilization is the continuous progress in social systems. With the continuous development of human society, various social systems are also constantly changing and improving. From primitive tribes to slave societies, feudal societies to capitalist societies, each system change has brought about great progress.

(2) Development of science and technology: Civilization is closely related to science and technology. Science and technology are an important force driving the progress of civilization. It changes people's way of life, improves productivity, and makes human life more convenient and comfortable.

(3) Improvement in moral concepts: With the development of civilization, people also have higher pursuit for moral concepts. Moral concepts refer to the principles and norms that individuals should follow in their behavior. In civilized society, people pay more attention to moral cultivation, respect for others, and compliance with laws.

(4) Cultural diversity: With the development of civilization, the culture of different regions and ethnic groups has also been fully developed. This diversity makes civilization more colorful and provides more choices and opportunities for communication among human beings.

(5) Art creation: Art is one of the essences of civilization. In civilized society, people's pursuit for art is also getting higher. Various forms of art works continue to emerge, bringing beauty to society.

3. Examples:

(1) In ancient Greece, Athens was considered one of the cities that entered civilized society earliest in Europe.

(2) With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, science and technology developed rapidly, promoting social progress and economic prosperity.

(3) In modern society, laws and moral concepts are regarded as important guarantees for maintaining social order and fairness and justice.

(4) Different countries and ethnic groups have their own unique cultural traditions and artistic expressions, which influence each other and blend in communication.

(5) Music, painting, sculpture and other works of art are all important products of civilized society. They not only reflect human aesthetic pursuit but also reflect the level of social development at that time.

4. Word combinations:

Progress in civilization, social systems, science and technology, moral concepts, cultural diversity, art creation, legal norms, economic prosperity, social order , fairness and justice.

5. 中英文对照:


The meaning of civilization refers to a cultural level that is manifested by human society after reaching a certain stage of development,and it is a symbol of human social progress.


Civilization has many characteristics, which can be divided into the following aspects:


(1) Progress in social systems: An important characteristic of civilization is the continuous progress in social systems.


(2) Development of science and technology: Civilization is closely related to science and technology.


(3) Improvement in moral concepts: With the development of civilization, people also have higher pursuit for moral concepts.


(4) Cultural diversity: With the development of civilization, the culture of different regions and ethnic groups has also been fully developed.


(5) Art creation: Art is one of the essences of civilization.

6. 总结:



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