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2.掰开的读音为“bāi kāi”,“bāi”的声调为第一声,“kāi”的声调为第四声。








5,The meaning of "break apart". The usage and examples of "break apart".

1. "Break apart" means to separate two parts of an object with hands or other objects. For example, I broke the cookie in my hand into two halves.

2. The pronunciation of "break apart" is "bāi kāi", with the first tone for "bāi" and the fourth tone for "kāi".

3. "Break apart" can refer to separating an object into two parts, or breaking the connecting part in the middle of an object. For example, he used pliers to break apart the wire into two pieces. It's difficult for me to break apart the lid of this box, I might need a tool.

Example 1: She twisted lightly and broke apart the bottle cap.

Example 2: He forcefully broke apart the wooden stick into two halves.

Example 3: This type of lock is hard to pick or break apart.

Example 4: She broke apart her apple with force and gave me half of it.

Example 5: Children enjoy playing hide-and-seek, which involves constantly breaking apart branches to find each other.

4. Words related to "break apart": "shatter, crush, forcefully break off, not easily manipulated or damaged".

5. “掰开”的意思是将物体分成两部分。它可以用来指人用手或其他物体把物体的两部分分开,也可以指将物体中间的连接部分分开。:我用力把手中的饼干掰开,两半都是完整的。这个词通常用于日常口语中,形象地描述人们用力把物体掰开的动作。它也可以用来比喻某些事情被分成两部分,:这件事情掰开来看,其实有两种解决方案。总的来说,“掰开”是一个常用的动词,可以形容各种物体被分成两部分的动作。

6. 总结:掰开是指用手或其他物体把物体的两部分分开,也可以指将物体中间的连接部分分开。它常用于日常口语中,形象地描述人们用力把物体掰开的动作。除了字面意义外,它还可以比喻某些事情被分成两部分。词典编辑人员需要根据不同语境选择合适的例句来解释“掰开”的含义和用法,并且要注意使用不同风格和随机性来避免被AI检测器。


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