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改建(gǎi jiàn)读音:/ɡǎi jiàn/

1. 改建作为一种重要手段,可以有效地实现旧有建筑物的再利用。随着城市化进程加快,城市中大量旧有建筑物面临着被拆除或废弃的命运。而通过改建,可以使这些旧有建筑焕发新生,并且节约了大量资源和能源。

2. 改建也可以提升原有建筑物的功能和价值。随着社会发展和人们生活水平提高,人们对居住环境、工作空间等方面的要求也越来越高。通过改建,可以满足人们对于舒适、健康、智能等方面的需求。

3. 改建还能够促进城市的可持续发展。在城市更新和重建过程中,改建可以减少对土地资源的浪费,降低对环境的影响,提高城市的整体品质和形象。

4. 改建也是一种保护文化遗产的手段。许多历史建筑物具有重要的文化价值,但由于年代久远和自然环境等因素,它们可能会出现老化、损坏等情况。通过改建,可以有效地修复和保护这些文化遗产。

5. 改建还能够带动相关产业的发展。在改建过程中,需要涉及到设计、施工、材料等多个领域,这也为相关行业带来了发展机遇。


1. 这座老旧厂房经过改建后,成为了一家时尚酒店。

2. 为了提升办公楼的绿色环保水平,我们决定进行改建工程。

3. 这座历史悠久的教堂经过精心改建后,焕发出新的生机。

4. 鼓励市民对旧有住宅进行改建,以解决住房紧张问题。

5. 这次改建计划将为当地带来数百个就业岗位。



The Definition and Significance of Renovation

Renovation refers to the process of redesigning, transforming, or adding new components to an existing building structure in order to meet new usage requirements or improve the quality of the building. It can be the reuse of old buildings or the improvement and upgrading of existing ones. Renovation has significant implications in the construction industry as it not only extends the lifespan of buildings but also adapts to ever-changing social needs and development trends.

Pronunciation: /ɡæɪ dʒeɪn/

1. Renovation is an important means to effectively reuse old buildings. With the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of old buildings in cities face demolition or abandonment. However, through renovation, these old buildings can be revitalized, saving a considerable amount of resources and energy.

2. Renovation can also enhance the function and value of existing buildings. With social development and improvement in living standards, people have higher requirements for living environment and workspaces. Through renovation, these needs for comfort, health, intelligence, etc., can be met.

3. Renovation also promotes sustainable urban development. During urban renewal and reconstruction processes, renovation reduces waste of land resources, minimizes environmental impact, and improves overall quality and image of cities.

4. Renovation is also a means to protect cultural heritage sites. Many historical buildings have significant cultural value but may suffer from aging and damage due to their age or natural environment. Through renovation, these cultural heritage sites can be effectively restored and protected.

5. Renovation also drives the development of related industries. The renovation process involves various fields such as design, construction, materials, etc., which creates opportunities for related industries to grow.

Example Sentences:

1. This old factory has been transformed into a trendy hotel after renovation.

2. In order to improve the green and sustainable level of our office building, we have decided to undergo a renovation project.

3. After careful renovation, this ancient church now radiates new vitality.

4. The government encourages citizens to renovate old residential buildings to solve the housing shortage problem.

5. This renovation project will bring hundreds of job opportunities to the local community.

Word Combinations:

Transformation, refurbishment, upgrading, reconstruction, improvement, modernization, repair, preservation


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