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读音为bài jīn zhǔ yì,读作[baɪ dʒɪn ʤuːɪst]。



1. 她的生活就是典型的拜金主义,每天都在追求名牌服饰和奢侈品。

2. 这个社会充斥着拜金主义,许多人都被物质欲望所驱使。

3. 他虽然很有钱,但并不受拜金主义的影响,仍然保持着朴素的生活方式。

4. 拜金主义让人们变得盲目追求物质,忽视了层面的需求。

5. 拜金主义导致了社会上的阶级分化,造成了不公平现象。




Greed is a mindset or behavior that pursues wealth and material enjoyment. It emphasizes the importance of money and material possessions, believing that having more wealth and goods can bring more happiness and satisfaction. People who have greed put money first, even sacrificing other values to pursue wealth.

The pronunciation of greed is bài jīn zhǔ yì, pronounced [baɪ dʒɪn ʤuːɪst].


1. Her life is a typical example of greed, chasing after designer clothes and luxury goods every day.

2. This society is filled with greed, and many people are driven by material desires.

3. Although he is wealthy, he is not influenced by greed and still maintains a simple lifestyle.

4. Greed makes people blindly pursue material things, neglecting their spiritual needs.

5. Greed leads to social class division and creates unfairness in society.

Word formation: greedy, ideology, mindset, pursuit, wealth, material enjoyment, money, possessions, happiness.

In conclusion, greed is a mindset that prioritizes the pursuit of wealth and material possessions above all else. It can lead to negative consequences such as social inequality and loss of focus on important values in life. It is important to strike a balance between material success and personal fulfillment to avoid falling into the trap of greed.


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