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2.愤青的读音为[fèn qīng],其中“fèn”字的声调为第四声,意为强烈、激烈;“qīng”字的声调为第一声,意为情绪、心情。



1. 这个的太不公平了,我们应该像愤青一样站出来。

2. 愤青们在街头高喊口号,要求解决民生问题。

3. 他是一个非常有理想主义的愤青,总是对社会现状表示强烈不满。

4. 这些愤青的激进言论引发了社会的广泛讨论。

5. 一些愤青组织发起了某些品牌的运动,要求消费者不要购买这些品牌的产品。


5.The term "fenqing" refers to a group of young people with strong anger and dissatisfaction, who often demonstrate radical thoughts and behaviors. This word originated in China and was initially used to describe the youth group during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, but it has gradually evolved into a common social phenomenon.

6.Fenqing is a term that is often used to describe a specific group of young people in society. They are characterized by their strong emotions and radical actions, which are often driven by their discontent with the current social situation. While some may view them as rebellious or disruptive, others see them as passionate individuals who are fighting for change and justice. Regardless of one's perspective, it is clear that fenqing play an important role in shaping society and challenging the status quo.


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