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1. 情罪是指因为感情的原因而犯下的罪行。通常情况下,这种罪行是由于个人的感情冲动或者被他人利用所导致的,不同于其他类型的犯罪。

2. 情罪的读音为“qíng zuì”,其中“qíng”发第一声,“zuì”发第四声。在汉语拼音中,情字读作“qíng”,意思为爱情、感情;而“罪”字读作“zuì”,意思为、过错。

3. 情罪的用例:






4. 情罪相关词汇:






5. 情罪 - Love Crime

“Love crime” refers to a crime committed due to emotional reasons. Usually, this type of crime is caused by personal emotional impulses or being manipulated by others, which is different from other types of crimes.

6. Summary:

In summary, “love crime” or “情罪” in Chinese, refers to a crime committed because of emotions. It can be caused by personal emotional impulses or being manipulated by others. In legal terms, it is treated the same as other types of crimes and carries criminal responsibility. This term highlights the impact of emotions on human behavior and serves as a reminder for people to control their emotions and not let them lead to criminal acts.


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