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7.Forget-me-not is a perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the family Lamiaceae, also known as "forgetting grass" or "hu huanglian". Its stem is erect, leaves are opposite, and flowers are blue-purple in color. It is mainly found in southern China and Southeast Asian countries.

8.Forget-me-not has calming, sedative and antidepressant effects. It contains rich flavonoids and various vitamins, which can regulate the nervous system, improve sleep quality, and relieve anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is widely used in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

9.In traditional Chinese medicine theory, forget-me-not is believed to have the functions of calming liver, suppressing wind, clearing heat and detoxifying. It can relieve symptoms such as headache, insomnia and forgetfulness, and also improve immunity.

10.Usage: It is usually made into tea or added to soup for consumption. It can also be used as an auxiliary medicinal material in prescriptions. Common combinations include peony root and Chinese angelica.

11.Example sentences:

(1) Drinking a cup of forget-me-not tea every night can help you fall asleep.

(2) Forget-me-not has a soothing effect that can relieve anxiety caused by work stress.

(3) After staying up late, drinking a cup of forget-me-not tea can alleviate headaches and fatigue.

(4) In TCM clinics, doctors will prescribe formulations containing forget-me-not according to the patient's condition.

(5) In recent years, more and more people have started to pay attention to TCM theories and choose to use forget-me-not to improve their sleep quality.

12.Word combinations:

Soothing, stress, work pressure, anxiety, staying up late, tea decoction, soup, auxiliary medicinal material, prescription formulae , peony root , Chinese angelica , excessive work pressure , anxiety emotions , TCM clinic , prescription formulae .



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