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这个词的读音是“cí diǎn biān jí rén yuán”,其中“cí”和“diǎn”都是第一声,而“biān”和“jí”都是第四声,“rén”和“yuán”的读音分别为第二声和第一声。



1. 作为一名优秀的词典编辑人员,她总能准确地把握每个单词的含义,并用简洁明了的语言来解释。

2. 这本新出版的英汉双语词典由多位资深的词典编辑人员共同编写,质量可靠,受到广大读者的欢迎。

3. 他在词典编辑领域有着丰富的经验和独特的见解,被誉为当今最具影响力的词典编辑人员之一。

4. 作为一名词典编辑人员,她每天都要面对大量的词汇,不断学习和更新知识,保持自己的专业水平。

5. 这本词典不仅提供准确的释义,还附带了丰富的用例,让读者更容易理解和掌握这些单词。






This word is a noun, referring to a profession of dictionary editors. Their main job is to edit vocabulary and provide accurate, rich, and easy-to-understand explanations for readers.

What does it mean (explanation)?

The pronunciation of this word is "cí diǎn biān jí rén yuán", where "cí" and "diǎn" are both first tones, while "biān" and "jí" are both fourth tones. The pronunciations of "rén" and "yuán" are second tone and first tone respectively.

What does it mean (explanation)?

As dictionary editors, they need to have solid language skills and rich knowledge. They need to carefully write the explanations for each vocabulary based on the needs of different reader groups, and provide practical examples to help readers better understand and use these words. Here are some examples to illustrate this word:

1. As an excellent dictionary editor, she can always accurately grasp the meaning of each word and explain it in concise language.

2. This newly published English-Chinese bilingual dictionary was co-written by several experienced dictionary editors, with reliable quality and welcomed by readers.

3. He has rich experience and unique insights in the field of dictionary editing, and is known as one of the most influential dictionary editors today.

4. As a dictionary editor, she faces a large number of words every day, constantly learning and updating knowledge to maintain her professional level.

5. This dictionary not only provides accurate definitions but also comes with rich examples that make it easier for readers to understand and master these words.

What does it mean (explanation)?

When editing vocabulary, dictionary editors need to pay attention to several aspects: first, they need to accurately grasp the meaning of each word and explain it in a concise and clear language; second, they need to write content according to the needs of different reader groups; third, they need to provide practical examples to help readers better understand and use these words. In addition, in terms of organizational structure, consistency, logic, and readability should also be considered.

What does it mean (explanation)?

This word can be combined with other nouns to form compound nouns, such as "electronic dictionary editor", "English dictionary editor", etc. It can also be used with verbs, such as "serve as a dictionary editor", "become a dictionary editor", etc.

What does it mean (explanation)?


In summary, dictionary editors are a group of professionals with rich knowledge and solid language skills. They are dedicated to providing readers with accurate, rich, and easy-to-understand explanations for vocabulary and helping them better understand and use these words. Their work requires attention to detail, patience, and professionalism, making them an indispensable role in the dictionary industry.


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