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1. 微语是指言语中的微小的声音或者微小的话语,通常是指低声说出的话语,也可以指一种非常细微的表达方式。它可以用来表达内心深处的感受,也可以用来传递一种私密的信息。

2. 微语(wēi yǔ)读音为[wéi yǔ],第一个字“微”读[wēi],第二个字“语”读[yǔ]。这两个字都是平声。

3. 用例1:她轻轻地对我说了几句微语,我却完全听不懂她想要表达什么。

4. 用例2:他们之间有着许多秘密,每次交流都是通过微语来传递信息。

5. 用例3:她总是喜欢在微信上和我交流,每次都会发一些令人心动的微语。

6. 用例4:他对她说了几句温柔的微语,让她感动得热泪盈眶。

7. 用例5:在这个喧嚣的世界里,只有听见自己内心深处的微语才能找到真正的平静。



Whisper is a small voice or a small language in speech. It can be used to express deep feelings or convey private information. It is often used to communicate with someone in a very subtle way.

Whisper is pronounced as [wéi yǔ], with the first character "微" pronounced as [wēi] and the second character "语" pronounced as [yǔ]. Both characters are pronounced in the neutral tone.


1. She whispered a few words to me, but I couldn't understand what she was trying to say.

2. They have many secrets between them, and they always communicate through whispers.

3. She always likes to chat with me on WeChat, and she always sends me some touching whispers.

4. He whispered some gentle words to her, which moved her to tears.

5. In this noisy world, only by hearing the whispers from our own hearts can we find true peace.

Word formation: subtle, soft voice, private, feelings, convey, information, secret, communicate, touching, gentle, noisy, world, peace.

In summary,

Whisper refers to a small voice or language used in communication. It can express deep feelings or convey private information in a subtle way. The pronunciation of whisper is [wéi yǔ], and it can be used in various situations such as expressing emotions or conveying secrets. Through whispers, we can find inner peace in this noisy world.


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