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1. 快马加鞭:形容行动迅速,比喻做事快速。

读音读法:kuài mǎ jiā biān




2. 风驰电掣:形容速度极快,比喻行动迅猛。

读音读法:fēng chí diàn chè




3. 龙行虎步:形容行动迅捷有力,比喻势如破竹。

读音读法:lóng xíng hǔ bù




4. 迅雷不及掩耳:形容速度极快,不及防备。

读音读法:xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr




5. 飞黄腾达:形容发展迅速,一帆风顺。

读音读法:fēi huáng téng dá






Fast idioms

1. Whip the horse: Describes actions that are fast, metaphorically meaning to do things quickly.

Pronunciation: kuài mǎ jiā biān


(1) He whipped the horse and rushed all the way, finally catching the last train.

(2) In order to catch up with the progress of work, he has to work late into the night every day.

2. Wind and thunder: Describes extremely fast speed, metaphorically meaning swift action.

Pronunciation: fēng chí diàn chè


(1) The sports car crossed the finish line like wind and thunder.

(2) In the information age, the speed of information dissemination is like wind and thunder, making it hard to keep up.

3. Walk like a dragon, step like a tiger: Describes swift and powerful movements, metaphorically meaning unspable momentum.

Pronunciation: lóng xíng hǔ bù


(1) He walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger on the court, stunning everyone with his skills.

(2) After years of effort, the company finally developed rapidly like a dragon and stepped like a tiger.

4. Lightning fast: Describes extremely fast speed, without any warning.

Pronunciation: xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr


(1) His fist was lightning fast, catching his opponent off guard.

(2) This news spread like lightning throughout the city.

5. Soaring to success: Describes rapid development and smooth sailing.

Pronunciation: fēi huáng téng dá


(1) After years of hard work, he finally soared to success and became a successful entrepreneur.

(2) In this fast-paced era, only those who dare to take risks can soar to success.

Word combinations: Good luck, constantly changing, thriving, unspable momentum, making rapid progress


1. 快马加鞭:whip the horse

2. 风驰电掣:wind and thunder

3. 龙行虎步:walk like a dragon, step like a tiger

4. 迅雷不及掩耳:lightning fast

5. 飞黄腾达:soaring to success



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