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床第之情(读音:chuáng dì zhī qíng)是一个成语,由“床”和“第”两个字组成。“床”指的是夫妻共同的卧室,而“第”则着地位、排名。因此,床第之情可以理解为夫妻关系中的第一位、最高地位的感情。


1. 她们的床第之情非常稳固,经得起时间和考验。

2. 他们之间没有真正的床第之情,只是为了利益结合。

3. 婚姻不仅仅是一种法律关系,更重要的是建立起夫妻间坚实的床第之情。

4. 他们虽然已经结婚多年,但仍然保持着浓厚的床第之情。

5. 床第之情需要双方共同努力维护和经营,在生活中多沟通、包容和理解对方才能建立起来。


1. 床头 - 指卧室里头顶上方放置枕头或摆放物品的位置。

2. 床尾 - 指卧室里脚底下的位置。

3. 床笫 - 指夫妻共同的卧室。

4. 床头柜 - 指放置在床头的小型柜子,用来放置物品。

5. 床笠 - 指盖在床上的布料。

Bedroom relationship is the meaning of the bed (explanation) ?

The bedroom relationship refers to the sexual relationship between husband and wife, and can also refer to the intimate relationship between two people.

The bedroom relationship (pronounced: chuáng dì zhī qíng) is an idiom composed of the characters "bed" and "rank". "Bed" refers to the shared bedroom of husband and wife, while "rank" represents status or position. Therefore, the bedroom relationship can be understood as the first or highest level of affection in a marriage.


1. Their bedroom relationship is very stable and can withstand time and tests.

2. They don't have a real bedroom relationship, they are just together for their own interests.

3. Marriage is not only a legal relationship, but more importantly, it establishes a strong bedroom relationship between husband and wife.

4. Although they have been married for many years, they still maintain a strong bedroom relationship.

5. A bedroom relationship requires efforts from both sides to maintain and cultivate, through communication, understanding and tolerance in daily life.

Compound words:

1. Bedside - refers to the area above the head where pillows or items are placed in a bedroom.

2. Foot of the bed - refers to the area at the end of a bed in a bedroom.

3. Shared bed - refers to the shared bedroom of husband and wife.

4. Nightstand - refers to a small cabinet placed next to a bed for storing items.

5. Bed sheet - refers to the cloth that covers a bed.

In summary, the bedroom relationship is a term used to describe the sexual and intimate relationship between husband and wife. It is an important aspect of marriage that requires both parties to work together to maintain and strengthen. Communication, understanding, and tolerance are key elements in building a strong bedroom relationship.


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