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1.Generally speaking, how do you say "广泛的英文" in English?

2.Reading and pronunciation of "广泛的英文":

/broad / /English/

3.Examples of "广泛的英文":

1) English is a widely spoken language.

2) The English language is used all over the world.

3) There are many different varieties of English.

4) Learning English opens up many opportunities.

5) The use of English has become widespread in international business.

4.Compounds of "广泛的英文":

1) extensive English

2) widespread English

3) broad English

4) global English

5) universal English

5.Chinese and English translation of "广泛的英文":

广泛的英文 - broad/widespread/extensive/universal/global English


In conclusion, "广泛的英文" can be translated into various terms in English such as "extensive", "widespread", or "universal" depending on the context. It refers to the wide usage and influence of the English language around the world. Learning and mastering this language can bring many benefits and opportunities.


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