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1. 布依戏是一种具有浓郁民族特色的综合性艺术形式。

2. 布依戏起源于西南地区的布依族。

3. 布依戏融合了歌、舞、乐、说、打、杂技等多种表演形式。

4. 布依族人民尊重自然、崇拜祖先,在布依戏中有着深厚的表现。

5. 布依戏反映了布依族人民对美好生活的向往和追求。


1. 布依族

2. 舞蹈

3. 自然环境

4. 祖先

5. 友情

6. 珍视

7. 向往

8. 追求


布依戏是什么?What is Buyi Opera?

布依戏的起源和发展The Origin and Development of Buyi Opera

布依戏是一种具有浓郁民族特色的戏剧形式,它起源于西南地区的布依族,是布依族人民生活和文化的真实反映。Buyi Opera is a traditional theatrical form with strong ethnic characteristics, originated from the Buyi ethnic group in southwestern China, which reflects the real life and culture of the Buyi people.

布依戏起源于古老的“白鹤祭”仪式,这是布依族人民祭祀祖先和祈求丰收的重要仪式。随着时间的推移,“白鹤祭”逐渐演变为一种娱乐形式,最终发展成为现在我们所熟知的布依戏。据传统说法,最早创作并表演布依戏的是一位名叫苟兴玉的布依族人,在他手中,布依戏开始走向舞台,并逐渐流传开来。Buyi Opera originated from the ancient ritual of "White Crane Sacrifice", which was an important ceremony for the Buyi people to worship their ancestors and pray for a good harvest. With the passage of time, "White Crane Sacrifice" gradually evolved into a form of entertainment and eventually developed into the Buyi Opera we know today. According to traditional beliefs, Buyi Opera was first created and performed by a man named Gou Xingyu, who helped bring it to the stage and spread it among the people.

从起初只在“白鹤祭”时期表演到现在成为一种独立完整的表演形式,布依戏经历了漫长的发展过程。在清朝时期,布依戏已经开始走向繁荣,被广泛表演于各种节日和庆典活动中。到了20世纪初,随着新文化运动的兴起,布依戏开始融合了更多的现代元素,不断发展壮大。1949年以后,随着新的成立,布依戏得到了更多的和资源支持,在艺术创作和表演上也取得了长足进步。From initially being only performed during the "White Crane Sacrifice" ritual, Buyi Opera has gone through a long process of development to become an independent and complete form of performance. During the Qing Dynasty, Buyi Opera began to prosper and was widely performed during various festivals and celebrations. In the early 20th century, with the rise of the New Culture Movement, Buyi Opera started to incorporate more modern elements and continued to grow. After the establishment of New China in 1949, Buyi Opera received more support in terms of policies and resources, which led to significant progress in artistic creation and performance.

布依戏是一种具有浓郁民族特色的表演形式,在表现手法上也有其独特之处。首先是其舞蹈形式,布依族人民生活在山区,因此他们对自然环境有着深厚的感情。在布依戏中,舞蹈常常通过模仿动物、植物等自然元素来表现生活场景和情感。其次是说唱形式,在布依族语言中,“说”和“唱”是同一个词,“说唱”就是将说话和歌唱结合起来进行表演。这种方式不仅增加了节奏感和变化性,也更容易让观众理解和接受。此外,布依戏还融合了打击乐和杂技等表演形式,使得整个表演更加生动有趣。Buyi Opera is a unique form of performance with strong ethnic characteristics. Its performance techniques are also distinctive. Firstly, its dance form is influenced by the natural environment of the Buyi people who live in mountainous areas. In Buyi Opera, dance often imitates animals and plants to depict different life scenes and emotions. Secondly, Buyi Opera combines speech and singing into one word in the Buyi language, resulting in a unique form of performance called "saying and singing". This not only adds rhythm and variety to the performance, but also makes it easier for the audience to understand and appreciate. In addition, Buyi Opera also incorporates percussion music and acrobatics, making the entire performance more lively and interesting.

布依戏的起源和发展也反映了布依族人民的生活方式和价值观。在布依族人民的传统观念中,自然和人类是平等的,他们尊重自然、崇拜祖先、珍视友情,这些都体现在布依戏的剧情中。比如,在《白鹤祭》这一主题剧目中,就表现了布依族人民对自然环境的感激之情和对祖先的敬仰之心。同时,布依戏也反映了布依族人民对美好生活的向往和追求,在剧情中常常能看到他们对爱情、友谊、家庭等价值观念的呈现。The origin and development of Buyi Opera also reflects the way of life and values of the Buyi people. In traditional beliefs of the Buyi people, nature and human beings are equal. They respect


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