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2.常青树的读音为cháng qīng shù,读作 [chahng cheeng shoo]。



1. 常青树给我们提供了一片清凉的避暑场所。

2. 这座城市的街道两旁都种满了美丽的常青树。

3. 这种常青树具有很强的抗寒能力,在寒冷的冬季也能保持绿叶。

4. 这种常青树的叶子可以用来制作药物,对治疗感冒有很好的效果。

5. 她喜欢在常青树下读书,那里的气候非常宜人。




Evergreen trees are trees that maintain their green leaves throughout the four seasons, also known as evergreens. Their leaves do not fall off in autumn like deciduous trees, but remain green all year round. Evergreen trees usually grow in temperate and tropical regions, and their characteristics include the ability to adapt to various climatic conditions and have strong resistance.

1. What are the characteristics of evergreen trees?

Evergreen trees are characterized by their ability to maintain green leaves throughout the year, regardless of the season. They can withstand various weather conditions and have strong resistance to adversity.

2. What are the classifications of evergreen trees?

There are three main classifications of evergreen trees: conifers, broadleaf evergreens, and palm-like plants. Conifers include pine, spruce, fir, and cedar trees, while broadleaf evergreens include holly, magnolia, and laurel trees.

3. What is the difference between conifers and broadleaf evergreens?

Conifers have needle-like or scale-like leaves that are adapted to cold and dry conditions, while broadleaf evergreens have broad, flat leaves that are better suited for warmer and wetter climates. Conifers also produce cones, while broadleaf evergreens produce flowers and fruits.

4. What are some examples of evergreen trees?

Some common examples of evergreen trees include pine, spruce, cedar, holly, magnolia, and laurel trees. These trees are often used in landscaping due to their year-round greenery.

5. How can evergreen trees benefit us?

Evergreen trees provide shade and shelter from wind and rain, making them popular in landscaping designs. They also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, improving air quality. Some evergreen trees also have medicinal value and are used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various illnesses.



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