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帅侯是一个汉语词语,指的是非常英俊的男性。帅侯的发音是shuài hóu。







1. 他长得真帅侯,简直就像明星一样。

2. 这个公司老板很有魄力,真是个大帅侯。

3. 这件西装穿在他身上真是太帅侯了!

4. 他不仅长得英俊,而且谈吐优雅,简直就是一个完美的帅侯。

5. 那位歌手唱功非凡,舞台表现也十分出色,被粉丝们称为“歌坛新晋帅侯”。


1. 帅气(形容词,指的是外表英俊、气质出众)

2. 帅哥(名词,指的是非常英俊的男性)

3. 帅气十足(形容词短语,指的是非常有魅力、风度翩翩)

4. 帅府(名词,指的是帅候的官邸)

5. 帅(名词,指的是由帅侯指挥的)


Shuaihou is a Chinese word that refers to a very handsome male. The pronunciation of Shuaihou is shuài hóu.

Sometimes, Shuaihou can also be used to describe a man's temperament and charm, usually in a positive way. This word originated from the ancient official position of "Shuai Hou", which refers to a high-ranking commander in the army. Therefore, Shuaihou can also be used to describe men with leadership abilities and charm.

In addition to describing people, Shuaihou can also be used to describe things. For example, "This movie is so shuaihou!" means that the movie is excellent and wonderful.


Shuai: shuài (first tone)

Hou: hóu (second tone)


1. He looks so shuaihou, just like a celebrity.

2. The boss of this company is very charismatic, he's truly a big shuaihou.

3. This suit looks so shuaihou on him!

4. Not only is he handsome, but also elegant in speech, he's a perfect shuaihou.

5. That singer has amazing vocals and outstanding stage performance, fans call him the "new rising shuaihou" in the music industry.

Related words:

1. Shuaiqi (adjective, describing someone who is handsome and has a good temperament)

2. Shuaige (noun, referring to a very handsome male)

3. Shuaiqi shizhu (adjective phrase, meaning very charming and graceful)

4. Shuaifu (noun, referring to the official residence of a Shuai Hou)

5. Shuijun (noun, referring to an army commanded by a Shuaihou).



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