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7.Industrial is the economic activity that transforms human labor into products or services through means of machinery, energy, and raw materials. It is an important part of modern social and economic development and the foundation of national economic growth. Industry can be divided into different sectors such as manufacturing, construction, and mining, covering all stages from raw material processing to final product delivery.

8.The origins of industry can be traced back to the transition to agricultural civilization in human society. With the development of agricultural productivity, people began to use simple hand tools for production. With the advancement of science and technology and the emergence of mechanized production methods, industry gradually became the dominant economic activity. In the Industrial Revolution in late 18th century to early 19th century Britain, inventions such as steam engines and textile machinery promoted industrialization and brought about significant social changes.

9.The development of industry has brought tremendous economic benefits and social impact. Firstly, it improves production efficiency and quality while lowering product prices to meet people's growing material needs. Secondly, it creates job opportunities and drives the development of related industries, providing a powerful driving force for national economic growth. At the same time, industrialization also changes people's way of life and social structure, promoting urbanization.

10.The characteristics of industrial development are continuous innovation and technological progress. With the advancement of science and technology, emerging industries such as information technology and biotechnology continue to emerge, changing traditional industrial production methods and product structures. In addition, environmental protection and sustainable development have become important directions for current industrial development, promoting green manufacturing practices and circular economy.

11.Example sentences:

1) The Industrial Revolution brought about significant social changes.

2) In recent years, China's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly, becoming a world manufacturing power.

3) Green manufacturing is an inevitable trend for future industrial development.

4) The rapid development of information technology has changed traditional industrial production methods.

5) The increasing awareness of environmental protection has promoted the emergence of sustainable industrial models.

12.Word combinations: industrialization, manufacturing, construction, mining, mechanization, science and technology, economic benefits, urbanization, information technology, biotechnology, green manufacturing, circular economy.



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