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1. 平定作为动词时,常用于形容解决或结束一场战争、叛乱或等。:

- The government sent troops to quell the rebellion and restore order. (派遣平息叛乱,并恢复秩序。)

- The police were able to subdue the rioters and bring peace back to the city. (成功地制服了者,并让城市恢复了和平。)

- It took several years for the country to finally pacify the insurgents and achieve stability. (这个花了几年时间最终安抚叛乱分子,并实现了稳定。)

2. 平定也可以表示解决或结束某种不良情况或状态。:

- The new policy helped to stabilize the economy and bring an end to the recession. (新有助于稳定经济,并结束了衰退。)

- After years of turmoil, the country was finally able to overcome its problems and return to prosperity. (经过多年的动荡,这个最终能够克服问题,重返繁荣。)

- The therapist's guidance helped the patient to overcome his inner conflicts and find inner peace. (治疗师的指导帮助患者克服内心,找到内心的平静。)

3. 平定也可以表示或某种情绪或欲望。:

- The monk meditated to calm his mind and subdue his desires. (和尚通过冥想来平静心境,并欲望。)

- She tried to suppress her anger and maintain a calm demeanor. (她努力压抑怒火,保持冷静的态度。)

- The coach encouraged the team to channel their competitive spirit in a positive way and not let it overwhelm them. (教练鼓励团队以积极的方式发挥竞争,不要被它压倒。)

4. 平定作为名词时,常用于指解决或结束某种或后的局面或状态。:

- After the peace talks, the two countries finally reached a pacification and signed a treaty. (和谈后,两国最终达成了和解,并签署了条约。)

- The king's death led to a period of turmoil, but his son was able to bring about a pacification and restore order. (国王去世后,出现了一段动荡时期,但他的儿子最终实现了安抚,并恢复了秩序。)

- The therapist's goal was to help the patient achieve a state of inner peace and pacification. (治疗师的目标是帮助患者达到内心平静和安抚的状态。)


平定的读音为píng dìng,第一个字平(píng)的声调为第一声,第二个字定(dìng)的声调为第四声。


1. The king's army was able to quickly quell the rebellion and pacify the region.

2. After years of turmoil, the country was finally able to achieve a state of pacification and stability.

3. The therapist helped the patient to subdue his anxiety and find inner peace.

4. The police were able to bring about a pacification and restore order in the city after the riots.

5. The government's efforts to pacify tensions between the two countries were successful.


1. 平定局势 (pacify the situation)

2. 安抚民心 (pacify the people's hearts)

3. 平定 (quell conflicts)

4. (suppress riots)

5. 解决问题 (resolve problems)


平定 - pacify

用法 - usage

例句 - example sentence

动词 - verb

名词 - noun

读音 - pronunciation



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