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1. 带动的用法







2. 带动的例句






3. 带动的读音读法

带动的读音为[dài dòng],第一个字声调为第四声,第二个字声调为第一声。

4. 带动的用法组词





5. 带动是什么意思?带动的用法及例句中英文对照

What is the meaning of "带动"? The usage and examples of "带动".

"带动" means to influence or change other people or things through one's own influence or power. In dictionaries, the word "带动" is usually used as a transitive verb, meaning "guide, promote, or drive". The following will introduce the usage and examples of "带动".

1. Usage of "带动"

(1) 带动 + noun: means "guide, promote".

For example: His success has boosted the morale of the entire team.

(2) 带动 + adjective: means "cause a change in a certain situation".

For example: This rain has brought about a cool change in the weather.

(3) 被/受 + 带动: means "affected by".

For example: She was influenced by her friends' positive attitude and became more optimistic.

2. Examples of "带动"

(1) He led by example to motivate everyone to work together and ultimately achieve the team's goal.

(2) This movie is not only for entertainment, but also aims to raise awareness of social issues through its touching story.

(3) He is always able to inspire those around him with his positive attitude and make everyone become more optimistic.

(4) The exciting performance in this game has sparked enthusiasm among the audience, making the atmosphere very lively.

(5) With encouragement and influence from his teacher, he finally overcame his laziness and started to study seriously.

3. Pronunciation of "带动"

The pronunciation of "带动" is [dài dòng], with the first character having a fourth tone and the second character having a first tone.

4. Related words for "带动"

(1) 带动力:refers to the power that can guide or promote the development of things.

(2) 带动性:refers to the ability of an action or thing to guide or promote the development of other things.

(3) 带动效应:refers to the impact or change that an action or thing has on other things.

(4) 被带动者:refers to the person or thing that is influenced or guided to develop.



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