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2.居庸关的读音为jū yōng guān,其中“居”字读作jū,意为“驻扎、停留”,“庸”字读作yōng,意为“平常、普通”,“关”字读作guān,意为“山口、关隘”。这个名称源自于古代居住在此地的匈奴族人的部落名称。





7. 居庸关 - Ju Yong Guan

8. "Ju" is pronounced as "jū", meaning "to reside, to stay". "Yong" is pronounced as "yōng", meaning "ordinary, usual". "Guan" is pronounced as "guān", meaning "mountain pass, barrier". The name originates from the tribe of the Xiongnu people who lived in this area.

9. Ju Yong Guan has played an important role in Chinese history. It first appeared in the "Zuo Zhuan" (The Commentary of Zuo) which recorded the story of Qin State attacking Yan State through Ju Yong Guan during the Warring States Period. After the unification of six states by Qin Shihuang, he ordered to build the Great Wall and used Ju Yong Guan as its northern starting point. Later, during the Han, Tang and Ming dynasties, Ju Yong Guan was repaired and reinforced several times, making it an important military fortress against foreign invasions.

10. Ju Yong Guan also served as a gateway for cultural exchanges in ancient China. Being a major transportation hub connecting Central Plains and northern ethnic groups, it played an important role in trade and commerce. With the construction and improvement of the Great Wall, Ju Yong Guan became a main trade route between Central Plains and northern grasslands, facilitating cultural exchanges and integration between China and northern ethnic groups.

11. Ju Yong Guan is also mentioned in many literary works from ancient China. In "Romance of Three Kingdoms", there is a description of "outside Ju Yong Guan", depicting the situation at the northern border at that time. In "Water Margin", there is also a chapter named "Ju Yong Guan" telling the story of Liangshan heroes attacking Jinshatan and taking over Ju Yong Guan.

12. Summary: Located in Beijing's Changping District, Ju Yong Guan is one of China's most important ancient passes connecting Central Plains with northern grasslands. Its name originates from a tribe called Xiongnu who lived here in ancient times. With its strategic location and role as part of the Great Wall, it has played an important role in Chinese history as a military fortress, cultural gateway, and literary inspiration.


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