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2.山雨的读音为shān yǔ,在《说文解字》中被解释为“山中之雨”。在古代诗歌中常被用来形容大自然的壮美和神秘。














6.Mountain rain, also known as orographic precipitation, is a natural phenomenon that refers to heavy rainfall in mountainous or high-altitude areas. It is caused by the cooling effect of terrain and air currents, leading to the condensation of water vapor into clouds and eventually resulting in rain. Mountain rain is often accompanied by thunderstorms, hail, and other weather phenomena, and it is characterized by short, intense precipitation, localized patterns, and irregularity.

The term "mountain rain" is pronounced as "shān yǔ" in Chinese and is defined as "rain in the mountains" in the Shuowen Jiezi, an ancient Chinese dictionary. In ancient poetry, it is often used to describe the grandeur and mystery of nature.

Mountain rain usually occurs during the summer or spring and autumn seasons when warm and humid air currents are influenced by cold air at higher altitudes. It typically happens within a short period of time but with a large amount of precipitation. Due to the instability of terrain and air currents, mountain rain often exhibits localized patterns and irregularity, leading to significant differences in precipitation within the same area.


1) The residents in this mountainous area are used to several heavy rains every year.

2) It is said that mysterious mountain rain often occurs on this peak, attracting many people to explore.

3) Due to mountain rain, this mountain road frequently experiences mudslides and is not suitable for travel.

4) Despite being summer, this high-altitude area is still shrouded in heavy fog and mountain rain.

5) In this mountainous region, farmers schedule their harvest after mountain rain to avoid affecting crop yields.

Other related terms:

1) Heavy Rain: Refers to heavy precipitation that lasts for a longer period of time.

2) Thunderstorm: Refers to weather phenomena caused by strong electrical charges in the atmosphere resulting in lightning and thunder.

3) Hail: Refers to solid precipitation formed by the rapid cooling of water vapor in the atmosphere.

4) High Altitude: Refers to areas with higher elevation above sea level.

5) Clouds: Refers to visible masses of water vapor formed by condensation.

In summary, mountain rain is a natural occurrence that can bring both benefits and challenges. While it nourishes vegetation and supports agricultural activities, it can also cause disasters such as floods and landslides. Its unique characteristics make it a subject of fascination in literature and art, showcasing the power and beauty of nature.


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