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1. 屏风马是古代的一种传统工艺品,它具有独特的造型和精湛的制作工艺。

2. 我收到了一幅精美的屏风马,它是我朋友送给我的生日礼物。

3. 在传统婚礼上,屏风马常常用来装饰新房,寓意新人幸福美满。

4. 这幅屏风马是我爷爷从老家带来的,已经传承了几代人,具有很高的收藏价值。

5. 屏风马不仅可以用来装饰家居,还可以作为一种独特的文化礼品赠送给亲朋好友。


Screen horse, a traditional Chinese handicraft, is a decorative item made in the form of a screen with horses as the main theme. Originated in ancient China, it has evolved over thousands of years and become a unique cultural symbol loved by people.

Screen horses first appeared in northern China. According to historical records, they were originally used by nomadic tribes in the north to decorate their tents and houses. With time passing by, people began to give this decoration as gifts to friends and family members to express their blessings and love. Later, as Han culture spread to the north, screen horses also became popular in Han areas.

Screen horses originated in northern China, and there are many similar handicrafts in the south. However, due to the hot and humid climate in the south, wood is prone to rot, so screen horses in the south are mostly made of materials such as bamboo and paper. In contrast, people in the north often use durable materials like wood and leather.

It is said that "horse" is a symbol of good luck in ancient China. Horses are believed to bring fortune and wealth, so people often use them to decorate their homes. As a special decoration, screen horses are even more popular because they not only have a beautiful appearance but also represent auspiciousness and happiness.

The craftsmanship of making screen horses is also exquisite. First, high-quality wood or leather is selected as the material, then it goes through careful carving and decoration before being painted with delicate colors. Finally, all parts are assembled into a screen shape. The whole process requires multiple steps and each step needs to be completed by hand. Therefore, each screen horse is a unique piece of art.

Screen horses were widely used in ancient China in places such as palaces, temples, and homes. They can not only be used for decoration but also serve functions like dividing space or blocking light. Meanwhile, on important occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and festivals, people would also use screen horses to add a festive atmosphere.

Here are some example sentences about screen horses:

1.Screen horse is a traditional Chinese handicraft with unique design and exquisite craftsmanship.

2.I received a beautiful screen horse as a birthday gift from my friend.

3.In traditional Chinese weddings, screen horses are often used to decorate the new house with wishes for the newlyweds' happiness.

4.This screen horse was brought from my grandfather's hometown and has been passed down for generations, with high collection value.

5.Screen horses can not only be used as home decorations but also make unique cultural gifts for friends and family.

Word combinations: screen, wood, carving, painting, decoration, division, blocking, palace, home, wedding.


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