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读音读法:shān què



1. 山雀善于飞行,它们在空中能够灵活地转向和悬停,从而捕获飞行中的昆虫。

2. 山雀也会利用自己的喙和脚爪来寻找食物,比如在树枝上敲打或挖掘地面。

3. 在繁殖季节,山雀会筑巢并生产后代,它们通常选择树洞、草丛或岩石缝隙作为巢穴。

4. 山雀是群居动物,它们会结成小群或大群一起觅食、栖息和迁徙。

5. 山雀具有良好的适应能力,在城市和农田等人类活动频繁的地方也可以生存。




Mountain Sparrow, also known as "little bird kingdom" representative, is a common small bird belonging to the Passeriformes, Passeridae family. They are mainly distributed in Eurasia, Africa and North America, with a wide range of habitats. Mountain sparrows have a diverse range of species and unique ways of survival.

Mountain sparrows are typically small in size, about 10-20 cm long, with feathers mostly in shades of grey-brown or brown. They have short and stout beaks, strong claws and flexible tails. Due to different living environments, the appearance of mountain sparrows may also vary.

Mountain sparrows are typical omnivores, mainly feeding on insects, seeds, fruits and other food sources. They have strong adaptability and can find suitable food sources in different seasons and regions.

Pronunciation: shān què


1. Mountain sparrows are good at flying, they can turn and hover flexibly in the air to catch insects.

2. They also use their beaks and claws to search for food, such as tapping on branches or digging on the ground.

3. During the breeding season, mountain sparrows build nests and reproduce offspring, usually choosing tree holes, grass or rock crevices as their nest.

4. Mountain sparrows are social animals, they form small groups or large flocks to forage, roost and migrate together.

5. With strong adaptability, mountain sparrows can survive in urban areas and farmlands where human activities are frequent.

Words: mountain sparrow family, mountain sparrow chirping, mountain sparrow nest, mountain sparrow dance, mountain sparrow flock

In summary,Mountain Sparrow is a common small bird with a wide range of habitats. They have diverse species and strong adaptability to survive in different environments. Their unique characteristics such as flying ability and social nature make them an important representative of "little bird kingdom".


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