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小气的读音为xiǎo qì,读法为[xiáochí]。


1. 他虽然有钱,但却非常小气,从不愿意花钱给自己买好一点的衣服。

2. 她对朋友总是很大方,从来不会因为一点小钱而计较,完全不像一个小气的人。

3. 这个老板非常小气,员工们每天加班却从来没有加班费。

4. 我们公司的经理虽然很有能力,但对待下属却非常小气,从来不会给他们提供任何培训机会。

5. 他太小气了,连一顿饭都舍不得请客,我们都不愿意和他出去吃饭了。


Small-minded means what? What are the manifestations of small-mindedness?

Small-mindedness can refer to a person's character or behavior, showing the characteristics of stinginess and being a miser. This kind of person is very frugal in terms of money and material possessions, and is not willing to spend money or share their wealth with others. There are many manifestations of small-mindedness, which will be explained in detail below.

The manifestation of small-mindedness can be reflected in one's attitude towards money. For example, a small-minded person will nitpick every penny spent and often see themselves as "poor" in order to live a frugal life, even if they have the means to spend more money for themselves or others. Some small-minded people may even have conflicts with friends over a small amount of money.

In addition to financial aspects, small-mindedness can also be reflected in daily habits. For example, they always finish all the leftovers when eating and are reluctant to throw them away; they always choose the cheapest clothes without considering quality when shopping; they always stay at the cheapest hotels when traveling, etc. These are all manifestations of being small-minded.

Furthermore, being small-minded can also be seen in one's attitude towards time and energy. For example, they always care about overtime pay at work; they always count their time and energy when helping others; they are unwilling to spend money on books or training for learning purposes, etc. These are all manifestations of being small-minded.

The pronunciation of "small-minded" is [xiǎo qì], with the pinyin [xiáochí].


1. Although he is wealthy, he is very small-minded and never wants to spend money on buying nice clothes for himself.

2. She is always generous with her friends and never cares about a little money, completely unlike a small-minded person.

3. This boss is very stingy; employees work overtime every day but never receive overtime pay.

4. Although our company manager is capable, he is very small-minded towards his subordinates and never provides them with any training opportunities.

5. He is too stingy; he won't even treat us to a meal, and we don't want to go out to eat with him anymore.

Related words: stingy, frugal, miser, penny-pinching, scrooge




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