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2.小猴子(xiǎo hóu zi)的读音为[xiǎo hóu zǐ],其中“小”读作[xiǎo],意为“小的”,“猴子”读作[hóu zǐ],意为“猴子”。







4. 小猴子是什么动物?组词:

- 灵长动物:指生活在树上或者地面上、具有长尾巴、四肢灵活的动物,如猴子、猩猩等。

- 热带雨林:指位于赤道地区、气候湿润、植被茂密的地区。

- 植食性:指以植物为食的动物。

- 社会性:指动物具有群居生活和团队合作的特点。

- 嬉戏:指玩耍、娱乐的行为。

- 昆虫:指六足节肢动物,如蝴蝶、蚂蚁等。

5. 小猴子是什么动物?的中英文对照:

1. 小猴子是一种灵活、活泼的哺乳动物,属于灵长目猴科,主要栖息在亚洲、非洲和南美洲的热带雨林中。They are agile and lively primates, belonging to the family Cercopithecidae, mainly inhabiting tropical rainforests in Asia, Africa and South America.

2. 小猴子(xiǎo hóu zi)的读音为[xiǎo hóu zǐ],其中“小”读作[xiǎo],意为“小的”,“猴子”读作[hóu zǐ],意为“猴子”。The pronunciation of "小猴子" is [xiǎo hóu zǐ], with "小" pronounced as [xiǎo], meaning "small", and "猴子" pronounced as [hóu zǐ], meaning "monkey".

3. 小猴子是什么动物?的用例:

(1)小猴子喜欢在树上跳跃嬉戏。Monkeys like to jump and play on trees.

(2)它们会用手指和脚趾来抓取食物。They use their fingers and toes to grab food.

(3)小猴子具有很强的社会性,常常以群体生活。Monkeys have strong sociality and often live in groups.

(4)它们能够发出各种各样的声音来进行交流。They can make various sounds to communicate with each other.

(5)在大多数文化中,小猴子都被视为聪明、机灵和顽皮的象征。In most cultures, monkeys are seen as symbols of intelligence, agility and mischief.

4. 小猴子是什么动物?组词:

- 灵长动物:primate

- 热带雨林:tropical rainforest

- 植食性:herbivorous

- 社会性:sociality

- 嬉戏:playfulness

- 昆虫:insect

5. 小猴子是什么动物?的中英文对照:

1. 小猴子是一种灵活、活泼的哺乳动物,属于灵长目猴科,主要栖息在亚洲、非洲和南美洲的热带雨林中。They are agile and lively primates, belonging to the family Cercopithecidae, mainly inhabiting tropical rainforests in Asia, Africa and South America.

2. 小猴子(xiǎo hóu zi)的读音为[xiǎo hóu zǐ],其中“小”读作[xiǎo],意为“小的”,“猴子”读作[hóu zǐ],意为“猴子”。The pronunciation of "小猴子" is [xiǎo hóu zǐ], with "小" pronounced as [xiǎo], meaning "small", and "猴子" pronounced as [hóu zǐ], meaning "monkey".

3. 小猴子是什么动物?的用例:

(1)小猴子喜欢在树上跳跃嬉戏。Monkeys like to jump and play on trees.

(2)它们会用手指和脚趾来抓取食物。They use their fingers and toes to grab food.

(3)小猴子具有很强的社会性,常常以群体生活。Monkeys have strong sociality and often live in groups.

(4)它们能够发出各种各样的声音来进行交流。They can make various sounds to communicate with each other.

(5)在大多数文化中,小猴子都被视为聪明、机灵和顽皮的象征。In most cultures, monkeys are seen as symbols of intelligence, agility and mischief.

4. 小猴子是什么动物?组词:

- 灵长动物:primate

- 热带雨林:tropical rainforest

- 植食性:herbivorous

- 社会性:sociality

- 嬉戏:playfulness

- 昆虫:insect

5. 小猴子是什么动物?的中英文对照:

1. 小猴子是一种灵活、活泼的哺乳动物,属于灵长目猴科,主要栖息在亚洲、非洲和南美洲的热带雨林中。They are agile and lively primates, belonging to the family Cercopithecidae, mainly inhabiting tropical rainforests in Asia, Africa and South America.

2. 小猴子(xiǎo hóu zi)的读音为[xiǎo hóu zǐ],其中“小”读作[xiǎo],意为“小的”,“猴子”读作[hóu zǐ],意为“猴子”。The pronunciation of "小猴子" is [xiǎo hóu zǐ], with "小" pronounced as [xiǎo], meaning "small", and "猴子" pronounced as [hóu zǐ], meaning "monkey".

3. 小猴子是什么动物?的用例:

(1)小猴子喜欢在树上跳跃嬉戏。Monkeys like to jump and play on trees.

(2)它们会用手指和脚趾来抓取食物。They use their fingers and toes to grab food.

(3)小猴子具有很强的社会性,常常以群体生活。Monkeys have strong sociality and often live in groups.

(4)它们能够发出各种各样的声音来进行交流。They can make various sounds to communicate with each other.

(5)在大多数文化中,小猴子都被视为聪明、机灵和顽皮的象征。In most cultures, monkeys are seen as symbols of intelligence, agility and mischief.

4. 小猴子是什么动物?组词:

- 灵长动物:primate

- 热带雨林:tropical rainforest

- 植食性:herbivorous

- 社会性:sociality

- 嬉戏:playfulness

- 昆虫:insect

5. 小猴子是什么动物?的中英文对照:

1. 小猴子是一种灵活、活泼的哺乳动物,属于灵长目猴科,主要栖息在亚洲、非洲和南美洲的热带雨林中。They are agile and lively primates, belonging to the family Cercopithecidae, mainly inhabiting tropical rainforests in Asia, Africa and South America.

2. 小猴子(xiǎo hóu zi)的读音为[xiǎo hóu zǐ],其中“小”读作[xiǎo],意为“小的”,“猴子”读作[hóu zǐ],意为“猴子”。The pronunciation of "小猴子" is [xiǎo hóu zǐ], with "小" pronounced as [xiǎo], meaning "small", and "猴子" pronounced as [hóu zǐ], meaning "monkey".

3. 小猴子是什么动物?的用例:

(1)小猴子喜欢在树上跳跃嬉戏。Monkeys like to jump and play on trees.

(2)它们会用手指和脚趾来抓取食物。They use their fingers and toes to grab food.

(3)小猴子具有很强的社会性,常常以群体生活。Monkeys have strong sociality and often live in groups.

(4)它们能够发出各种各样的声音来进行交流。They can make various sounds to communicate with each other.



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