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4.小儿是什么意思?小儿(xiǎo ér)一词源自《论语》,原意为“幼小的人”。在现代汉语中,小儿一词主要指年龄在出生后28天至14岁的儿童,也有时用来泛指幼童。常见的组词有小儿医院、小儿科、小儿护理等。

5.Children, also known as infants or toddlers, refer to children aged between 28 days and 14 years old. They are in a critical stage of growth and development, and their physical and mental health is easily affected by external factors.

Common diseases in children include respiratory diseases, digestive system diseases, urinary system diseases, neurological diseases, skin diseases, etc. These diseases are mostly caused by low immunity, malnutrition, environmental pollution and other factors.

Respiratory diseases commonly seen in children include colds, asthma, lung infections, etc.; digestive system diseases include diarrhea, indigestion, gastrointestinal infections, etc.; urinary system diseases include urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunction, etc.; neurological diseases include epilepsy and meningitis; skin diseases include eczema and urticaria.

6. In summary, children refer to individuals aged between 28 days and 14 years old. They are vulnerable to various common diseases due to their weak immune systems and susceptibility to external factors. Common illnesses in children include respiratory diseases such as colds and asthma; digestive system diseases such as diarrhea and indigestion; urinary system diseases such as urinary tract infections; neurological disorders such as epilepsy; skin problems such as eczema. As caregivers of children, it is important to pay attention to their health and provide them with proper care to ensure their healthy growth and development.


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