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jiāng yù qǔ zhī bì xiān yǔ zhī


1. 他想要买一辆新车,但知道自己的经济状况不允许,于是决定先存钱再买。这就是将欲取之必先与之的道理。

2. 考试前夕,同学们都在努力复习备考,因为他们知道将欲取之必先与之。

3. 在工作中,如果想要得到晋升或加薪,就必须先付出更多的努力和时间。这也是将欲取之必先与之的道理。

4. 有些人总是抱怨自己没有什么收获和成就,但却从不愿意付出任何努力。这样的人永远无法领悟到将欲取之必先与之的道理。

5. 父母常常告诫孩子们要勤奋学习、积极进取,并且教导他们将欲取之必先与之的道理。


- 将来

- 欲望

- 取得

- 必然

- 先行


将欲取之必先与之的意思(解释)?The meaning of "将欲取之必先与之" (explanation)?

读音读法jiāng yù qǔ zhī bì xiān yǔ zhīPronunciation jiāng yù qǔ zhī bì xiān yǔ zhī

用例1. 他想要买一辆新车,但知道自己的经济状况不允许,于是决定先存钱再买。这就是将欲取之必先与之的道理。Example 1. He wants to buy a new car, but knows that his financial situation does not allow it, so he decides to save money first and then buy it. This is the principle of "将欲取之必先与之".

2. 考试前夕,同学们都在努力复习备考,因为他们知道将欲取之必先与之。Example 2. On the eve of the exam, students are all working hard to review because they know the principle of "将欲取之必先与之".

3. 在工作中,如果想要得到晋升或加薪,就必须先付出更多的努力和时间。这也是将欲取之必先与之的道理。Example 3. In work, if you want to get a promotion or a raise, you must first put in more effort and time. This is also the principle of "将欲取之必先与之".

4. 有些人总是抱怨自己没有什么收获和成就,但却从不愿意付出任何努力。这样的人永远无法领悟到将欲取之必先与之的道理。Example 4. Some people always complain that they have no achievements, but they are never willing to put in any effort. Such people will never understand the principle of "将欲取之必先与之".

5. 父母常常告诫孩子们要勤奋学习、积极进取,并且教导他们将欲取之必先与之的道理。Example 5. Parents often warn their children to study hard and be proactive, and teach them the principle of "将欲取之必先与之".


- 将来future

- 欲望desire

- 取得obtain

- 必然inevitable

- 先行first



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