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2.完形崩溃的读音为[wán xíng bēng kuì],其中“wán”发第一声,“xíng”发第四声,“bēng”发第一声,“kuì”发第4声。



1) The student experienced a complete meltdown during the English exam, as he couldn't understand most of the words in the reading passage.


2) I always have a complete meltdown when it comes to reading comprehension tests, as I am not a fast reader.


3) The teacher noticed that some students were experiencing a complete meltdown during the exam, so she decided to give them more time to finish.


4) It's common for language learners to have a complete meltdown when they encounter new vocabulary in a reading passage.


5) I had a complete meltdown during the test, as I couldn't remember the meaning of some key words.


4.组词:完形崩溃(cloze collapse),基础知识(basic knowledge),阅读速度(reading speed),填空题(fill-in-the-blank questions),阅读理解(reading comprehension)。


完形崩溃:cloze collapse

缺乏基础知识:lack of basic knowledge

填空题:fill-in-the-blank questions

阅读速度:reading speed

阅读理解:reading comprehension



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