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4. 安顿的组词:

- 安居:指人们得以稳定居住、生活。:为农村贫困户提供免费房屋,让他们能够有一个稳定的安居之所。

- 安顿处所:指人们安置居住的地方。:他们在城市的郊区建立了一个安顿处所,为无家可归的人提供住所。

- 安顿点:指或组织为难民等提供的临时居住点。:这个安顿点已经接纳了数百名难民,但仍然有更多的人需要帮助。

- 安顿费用:指为安置或安顿而产生的费用。:每年都会拨出一笔专项资金,用于解决贫困户的安顿费用。

- 安顿生活:指人们在新环境下开始过日常生活。:他们已经在这个城市安顿好,开始了新的生活。

5. 安顿是什么意思?安顿的用法及例句中英文对照:

What does settle mean? Definition and examples of the usage of settle.

1. Settle means to arrange, place, or establish something. For example: We need to find a suitable place to settle these refugees.

2. The usage of settle is a transitive verb and often used with the preposition "in", indicating the act of placing someone or something in a particular place. For example: They found a small house in the countryside and settled there.

3. Examples of settle:

(1) They decided to first settle the children before discussing other matters.

(2) They arrived at their new home with their suitcases and children, ready to start a new life.

(3) After my father passed away, my mother was very sad and I decided to bring her to the city and settle her there.

(4) These refugees have been wandering for years and can finally find a home in this country and settle down here.

(5) We need to transport these supplies to the disaster area as soon as possible and help the local residents settle down again.

4. Words related to settle:

- Settle down: refers to people being able to live and settle stably. For example: The government provides free houses for impoverished rural households so that they can have a stable place to settle down.

- Settlement: refers to the place where people are settled. For example: They established a settlement in the suburbs of the city to provide shelter for the homeless.

- Resettlement site: refers to temporary shelters provided by governments or organizations for refugees, etc. For example: This resettlement site has already accommodated hundreds of refugees, but there are still more people in need of help.

- Settling expenses: refers to the costs incurred for resettlement or settlement. For example: The government allocates special funds every year for settling expenses for impoverished households.

- Settling into a new life: refers to starting daily life in a new environment. For example: They have settled into this city and started a new life.

5. Summary:

In summary, "settle" means arranging or placing something or someone in a particular place, often used with "in". It is commonly used as an transitive verb in sentences. Some related words include "settle down", "settlement", "resettlement site", "settling expenses", and "settling into a new life".


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