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如何正确使用bring up?

1,bring up是一个动词短语,表示抚养或提出的意思。它可以用来描述抚养孩子、提出问题或话题、提出建议或想法等。在英语中,它也可以被用作名词,表示被抚养的孩子。

2. 读音:[brɪŋ ʌp]

3. 用例:

例句1:My parents brought me up to be independent and self-sufficient.


例句2:During the meeting, he brought up an interesting point that we had not considered before.


例句3:I think it's time we bring up the issue of budget cuts in our next team meeting.


例句4:She brought up the idea of starting a new business, but we all agreed it was too risky.


例句5:He was brought up by his grandparents after his parents passed away.


4. 组词:bring someone up(抚养某人)、bring something up(提出某事)、bring up the rear(处于最后位置)、bring up to date(更新)、bring up the subject(提出话题)等。

5. 中英文对照:

英文:How to correctly use bring up?

中文:如何正确使用bring up?

英文:Bring up is a verb phrase that means to raise or bring forward. It can be used to describe raising children, bringing up questions or ics, suggesting ideas or thoughts, etc. In English, it can also be used as a noun, meaning a child who has been brought up.

中文:Bring up是一个动词短语,表示抚养或提出的意思。它可以用来描述抚养孩子、提出问题或话题、提出建议或想法等。在英语中,它也可以被用作名词,表示被抚养的孩子。

英文:During the meeting, he brought up an interesting point that we had not considered before.


英文:I think it's time we bring up the issue of budget cuts in our next team meeting.


英文:He was brought up by his grandparents after his parents passed away.


我们可以感受到,bring up是一个非常多才多艺的动词短语,在不同的背景下会有不同的含义。它可以用来描述抚养孩子、提出问题或话题、提出建议或想法等。在使用时,需要根据具体的情况来确定其含义,避免引起误解。同时,它也可以被用作名词,表示被抚养的孩子。希望这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和正确使用bring up这个词组,并且让我们更加珍惜和关心那些被抚养长大的孩子们。


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