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嫦(cháng)娥(é)应(yīng)悔(huǐ)偷(tōu)灵(líng)药(yào)碧(bì)海(hǎi)青(qīng)天(tiān)夜夜心(yè yè xīn)


1. 她每天晚上都会望着天空中的明月,想起自己曾经因为贪图不死之药而被迫离开家人和丈夫,心中充满了悔恨和内疚。

2. 据说每逢月圆之时,可以在月亮上看到嫦娥的身影,她每天都在月亮上度过孤独的夜晚,心中对偷灵药的后悔和忏悔从未消失。

3. 嫦娥应悔偷灵药碧海青天夜夜心的故事也被用来示人们不要贪图不义之财,否则将会付出惨重的代价。

4. 这个词也可以用来形容一个人因为自己的错误选择而导致后悔和内心的痛苦,比如“他深陷,最终嫦娥应悔偷灵药碧海青天夜夜心”。

5. 她每次看到月亮都会想起自己曾经因为贪图不死之药而被迫离开丈夫和家人,心中充满了后悔和忏悔。


1. 嫦娥(cháng é):指古代神话故事《嫦娥奔月》中的女主角。

2. 悔(huǐ):后悔、忏悔。

3. 偷(tōu):秘密地拿取或占有别人的东西。

4. 灵(líng):神奇的、有灵性的。

5. 药(yào):有治疗作用的物质。



What is the meaning of "Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir and being alone in the blue sea and night after night" (explanation)?



(cháng é yīng huǐ tōu líng yào bì hǎi qīng tiān yè yè xīn)


1. She looks at the moon every night and remembers how she was forced to leave her family and husband because of her greed for the elixir, filled with regret and guilt.

2. It is said that on a full moon, you can see Chang'e's figure on the moon, spending lonely nights there with regrets and repentance for stealing the elixir.

3. The story of "Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir and being alone in the blue sea and night after night" is also used as a warning to not be greedy for ill-gotten gains, or else one will pay a heavy price.

4. This term can also be used to describe someone who regrets and suffers internally due to their own wrong choices, for example, "He fell into gambling and ultimately experienced 'Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir and being alone in the blue sea and night after night'."

5. Every time she sees the moon, she remembers how she was forced to leave her husband and family because of her greed for the elixir, filled with regrets and repentance.


1. 嫦娥(Chang'e):refers to the female protagonist in the Chinese mythological story "Chang'e Flying to the Moon".

2. 悔(regret):to regret, to repent.

3. 偷(steal):to secretly take or possess something that belongs to someone else.

4. 灵(magical):mysterious, having spiritual power.

5. 药(elixir):a substance with healing properties.



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