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1. 唐朝著名诗人杜甫曾经写下:“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。女子无才便是德,一生须用白头时。”表达了女性应当注重内在修养的观点。

2. 在古代,女子无才就是德的观念也被用来约束女性的行为,强调她们应当以贤淑、勤俭、谦让的美德来取悦丈夫和家庭。

3. 尽管如今社会已经发生了巨大变化,但仍有人认为女性应当以德行来衡量自身价值,而非追求外在的成就和地位。

4. 有些人认为女性无法在社会上取得成功是因为她们缺乏才能,而不是受到性别歧视。这种观点与“女子无才就是德”的传统观念有着一定。

5. 现代社会中,越来越多的人开始反思“女子无才就是德”的观念,并呼吁给予女性更多的教育和职业发展机会。


1. 德行:指道德品质和修养。

2. 才华:指学识、技能或天赋。

3. 品德:指道德品质和行为准则。

4. 修养:指个人的道德修养和素质。

5. 贤淑:指女性的贤惠和勤俭节约的美德。


"Women without talent is virtue" means that women lack talent, but possess noble morals and ethical cultivation. This phrase originated from the ancient Chinese Confucianism, emphasizing that women should be measured by their virtues, rather than their talents. It reflects the ancient society's understanding and norms of women's status.

"Women without talent is virtue" means that in this idiom, "no talent" refers to women lacking knowledge, skills or talents, while "virtue" refers to moral qualities and cultivation. This phrase emphasizes that women should focus on cultivating their moral qualities rather than pursuing external talents and knowledge.

This phrase can also be understood as even if a woman does not have outstanding talents or achievements, as long as she has noble morals and excellent moral cultivation, she can still be considered a valuable and charming person. It reflects the biased views on women's status and values in ancient society.


1. The famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu once wrote: "Who says a heart of grass cannot repay three springs of sunshine? Women without talent is virtue, one's life should use white hair time." This expresses the idea that women should focus on internal cultivation.

2. In ancient times, the concept of "women without talent is virtue" was also used to restrict women's behavior, emphasizing that they should please their husbands and families with virtuousness, diligence, frugality and humility.

3. Although society has undergone tremendous changes nowadays, some people still believe that women should be measured by their virtues rather than pursuing external achievements and status.

4. Some people believe that women's inability to succeed in society is due to their lack of talent, rather than gender discrimination. This view is related to the traditional concept of "women without talent is virtue".

5. In modern society, more and more people are beginning to rethink the concept of "women without talent is virtue" and calling for more education and career development opportunities for women.


1. Virtue: refers to moral qualities and cultivation.

2. Talent: refers to knowledge, skills or talents.

3. Morality: refers to moral qualities and codes of conduct.

4. Cultivation: refers to personal moral cultivation and spiritual qualities.

5. Virtuousness: refers to a woman's virtuousness, diligence, frugality and other virtues.

In conclusion, the phrase "women without talent is virtue" reflects the traditional view that women should focus on cultivating their moral qualities rather than pursuing external achievements. However, with the progress of society, this concept is being challenged and re-evaluated. Women should be recognized for their talents and abilities, rather than being limited by traditional gender roles.


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