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天韵的发音为“tiān yùn”,读音为第一声和第四声。其中,“tiān”字的发音为第一声,意为“天空”;“yùn”字的发音为第四声,意为“悠远”。


1. 天韵悠扬,让人仿佛置身于仙境。

2. 这首歌曲充满了天韵,让人心旷神怡。

3. 她的歌声如同天韵般优美动听。

4. 在这片湖水边,你可以感受到大自然散发出来的天韵。

5. 这幅画作展现出了大自然最原始、最美妙的天韵。


1. 天籁之音:指来自大自然或其他非人类来源的优美动听的声音。

2. 天籁之境:指大自然中的一片宁静、和谐的景色。

3. 天籁之美:指大自然中无与伦比的美妙气息。

4. 天籁之舞:指大自然中万物和谐共舞的场景。

5. 天籁之触:指大自然中令人感动、震撼的气息。


What does "Tian Yun" mean? What is the pronunciation and tone of "Tian Yun"?

天韵 (Tian Yun) is a Chinese word that refers to the beautiful music in the sky, representing an elegant and harmonious sound. In dictionaries, Tian Yun is defined as "the beautiful music in the sky", which originates from a line in the ancient Chinese literature "The Book of Songs": "The heavenly melody is melodious, and all things are harmonious." It can also be used to describe an elegant and harmonious atmosphere or feeling.

The pronunciation of Tian Yun is "tiān yùn", with the first tone and the fourth tone respectively. The character "tiān" has a first tone, meaning "sky"; while the character "yùn" has a fourth tone, meaning "distant".


1. The heavenly melody makes one feel like being in a fairyland.

2. This song is full of Tian Yun, bringing people peace and joy.

3. Her singing voice is as beautiful as Tian Yun.

4. By this lake, you can feel the heavenly melody emanating from nature.

5. This painting captures the most primitive and beautiful Tian Yun of nature.

Word combinations:

1. Heavenly melody: refers to the beautiful and pleasant sounds from nature or other non-human sources.

2. Heavenly realm: refers to a peaceful and harmonious scene in nature.

3. Heavenly beauty: refers to the unparalleled beauty of nature.

4. Heavenly dance: describes the harmonious dance of all things in nature.

5. Heavenly touch: describes the touching and inspiring atmosphere of nature.


天韵 - Tian Yun

发音 - pronunciation

读音 - tone

美妙音乐 - beautiful music

优雅 - elegant

和谐 - harmonious

天空中的 - in the sky

悠远 - distant/long-lasting

诗经 - The Book of Songs

万物和谐 - all things are harmonious



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