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复眼(compound eye)是一种昆虫、节肢动物和某些软体动物的特殊视觉器官,由许多小型单眼组成,通常呈现出复杂的几何形状。它们具有非常广阔的视野范围和高度敏感的视觉能力,使得这些动物能够迅速地并捕捉猎物,并避免危险。





1. 节肢动物的复眼可以帮助它们在草丛中快速捕捉到猎物,如蜘蛛和飞虫。

2. 昆虫的复眼可以帮助它们在花丛中找到花粉和花蜜,从而进行授粉。

3. 某些软体动物的复眼可以帮助它们在海底寻找食物,并避免被捕食者。


1. 蚂蚁的复眼让它们能够迅速周围的食物来源。

2. 蝴蝶利用复眼来寻找适合产卵的植物。

3. 海星利用复眼来感知周围的环境,并寻找可供捕食的贝类。


1. 复眼结构:单眼、透镜、感光细胞、球形、圆柱形

2. 复眼功能:广阔视野、高度敏感、整合图像

3. 复杂几何形状:多面体、棱柱体、多边形

4. 复眼动物:昆虫、节肢动物、软体动物

5. 复眼特点:广阔视野、高度敏感、多个单眼


Compound eye, also known as multifaceted eye, is a special visual organ found in insects, arthropods and some mollusks. It is composed of numerous small individual eyes and usually presents a complex geometric shape. The compound eye has a wide field of view and highly sensitive visual ability, allowing these animals to quickly detect and capture prey, as well as avoid danger.

What is the structure and function of the compound eye?

The compound eye is primarily composed of many individual eyes, each containing a lens and photoreceptor cells. These individual eyes are arranged on a spherical or cylindrical surface, allowing them to perceive the surrounding environment independently. As a result, the compound eye can receive a large amount of information simultaneously and integrate it into a comprehensive image.

The compound eye has an incredibly wide field of view, covering over 180 degrees. This enables animals to see objects in front, side and behind at the same time, which is advantageous for detecting potential threats or food sources. Moreover, the compound eye has highly sensitive visual ability that allows for clear vision even in low light or blurry conditions. This is particularly important for nocturnal animals.

Use cases of the compound eye:

1. The compound eye of arthropods helps them quickly capture prey in dense vegetation such as spiders and flying insects.

2. Insects use their compound eyes to find pollen and nectar in flower clusters for pollination.

3. Some mollusks use their compound eyes to search for food on the seabed while avoiding predators.

Example sentences:

1. Ants rely on their compound eyes to quickly locate sources of food around them.

2. Butterflies use their compound eyes to find suitable plants for laying eggs.

3. Starfish use their compound eyes to sense their surroundings and find prey such as clams.

Word formation:

1. Compound eye structure: individual eye, lens, photoreceptor cells, spherical, cylindrical.

2. Compound eye function: wide field of view, highly sensitive, image integration.

3. Complex geometric shapes: polyhedron, prism, polygon.

4. Animals with compound eyes: insects, arthropods, mollusks.

5. Characteristics of the compound eye: wide field of view, highly sensitive, multiple individual eyes.

In summary, the compound eye is a remarkable visual organ that provides animals with a wide field of view and highly sensitive vision. Its unique structure and function have enabled various species to thrive in their respective environments. From hunting for prey to navigating through dense vegetation, the compound eye plays a crucial role in the survival of many animals in the animal kingdom.


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