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1.大演草是一种多年生的草本植物,属于禾本科植物。它的学名为Elymus dahuricus,又称大演禾、大演蒿、大演子等,是我国北方地区常见的野生植物。

2.大演草的读音为[dà yǎn cǎo],其中“大”字读作[dà],表示大小、重要性;“演”字读作[yǎn],表示展示、表现;“草”字读作[cǎo],表示植物。整体读音带有一种沉稳而又粗犷的感觉。



(1) 农民们把收割下来的大演草晾晒成干草,用来喂养牲畜。

(2) 大演草的根部含有丰富的淀粉,可以用来制作粥类食品。

(3) 这片大演草原上生长着各种野花,景色十分美丽。

(4) 大演草在我国北方地区被称为“草中之王”,具有重要的经济价值。

(5) 据说大演草可以治疗感冒发热,我打算试一试。



Big Wildrye Grass, also known as Elymus dahuricus, is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Poaceae. It is commonly found in the northern regions of China and is known by various names such as "da yan he", "da yan hao", and "da yan zi".

The pronunciation of Big Wildrye Grass is [dà yǎn cǎo], with the character "dà" meaning big or important, "yǎn" meaning to show or perform, and "cǎo" meaning plant. The overall pronunciation gives off a strong and rugged feeling.

Big Wildrye Grass mainly grows on hillsides, roadsides, and fields in the northern regions of China. It has strong resistance to cold and drought, making it suitable for growth in dry and infertile lands. Therefore, it is often used as forage and feed for livestock in rural areas. Additionally, it also has medicinal value and can be used to treat symptoms such as colds and fever.


(1) Farmers dry the harvested Big Wildrye Grass into hay to feed their livestock.

(2) The roots of Big Wildrye Grass are rich in starch and can be used to make porridge.

(3) The wildflowers growing on this Big Wildrye Grassland are incredibly beautiful.

(4) Big Wildrye Grass is known as the "King of Grass" in northern China and has significant economic value.

(5) It is said that Big Wildrye Grass can treat colds and fever, and I plan to give it a try.

Other related words:

da yan hao, da yan zi, da yan he, da yan yuan, da yan miao, da yan ye, da yan jing, da yan hua, da yan guo.

In summary, Big Wildrye Grass is a widely grown plant in northern China with strong resistance to cold and drought. It is not only used as forage but also has medicinal value. Its robust pronunciation reflects its sturdy characteristics.


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