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2.大凉山(dà liáng shān),读音为[dà liáng shān]。



1. 大凉山是一个充满神奇和魅力的地方,值得一去。

2. 每年夏季,来自各地的游客都会涌向大凉山,享受清新自然环境带来的放松与愉悦。

3. 在大凉山,你可以欣赏到绝美的日出日落,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。

4. 大凉山是一个充满挑战和机遇的地方,让人心驰神往。

5. 在大凉山,你可以与当地的交流,了解他们独特的生活方式和文化传统。

4. 大凉山由三个字组成,分别是“大”、“凉”、“山”。其中,“大”指的是这座山脉的规模之大,“凉”则来自于这里清新宜人的气候,“山”则着这里起伏不平、峰峦叠嶂的地形。

5. The location and characteristics of Daliangshan:

1. Daliangshan is located in the western part of Sichuan Province, which is an important mountain range in Southwest China and also the largest one in Sichuan Province. It is connected to Qinling Mountains in the north, adjacent to Yungui Plateau in the south, bordered by Sichuan Basin in the east, and bounded by Jinsha River and Nu River in the west.

2. Daliangshan (dà liáng shān) is pronounced as [dà liáng shān].

3. Daliangshan is a multi-ethnic inhabited area with abundant natural landscapes and unique folk culture. Here you can find magnificent mountains and gorges, crystal clear lakes, dense primitive forests, as well as numerous rare animals and plants. Visitors can engage in activities such as hiking, adventure photography, and watching ethnic song and dance performances.


1. Daliangshan is a place full of wonders and charms, worth visiting.

2. Every summer, tourists from all over the country flock to Daliangshan to enjoy the relaxation and joy brought by the fresh natural environment.

3. In Daliangshan, you can admire the beautiful sunrise and sunset, and experience the amazing work of nature.

4. Daliangshan is a place full of challenges and opportunities, making people yearn for it.

5. In Daliangshan, you can communicate with local ethnic minorities and learn about their unique way of life and cultural traditions.

4. Daliangshan is composed of three characters, "da", "liang", "shan". Among them, "da" refers to the large scale of this mountain range, "liang" comes from its pleasant climate, while "shan" represents its undulating terrain with towering peaks.

6. 总的来说,大凉山是一个充满自然美景和多元文化的地方。它拥有壮观的山脉、清澈见底的湖泊、茂密的森林以及独特的民族风情。游客可以在这里放松身心,探索大自然,感受不同民族文化的魅力。同时,大凉山也是一个具有挑战性和发展潜力的地区,值得人们前往探索和。无论是对于旅游者还是研究者来说,大凉山都是一个值得关注和探索的地方。

In summary, Daliangshan is a place full of natural beauty and diverse cultures. It has magnificent mountains, crystal clear lakes, dense forests, and unique ethnic customs. Visitors can relax and explore nature here, and experience the charm of different ethnic cultures. At the same time, Daliangshan is also a challenging and promising region, worth exploring and discovering. Whether for tourists or researchers, Daliangshan is a place worthy of attention and exploration.


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