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大气压的读音读法是:dà qì yā,yā pā。








Atmospheric pressure, also known as air pressure, is the force exerted by the weight of the atmosphere on a unit area. It is a physical quantity and is usually measured in pascals (Pa). In the International System of Units (SI), 1 pascal is equal to 1 newton per square meter (N/m²). Other units such as millimeters of mercury (mmHg), hecascals (hPa), or standard atmospheres (atm) can also be used to express atmospheric pressure.

The pronunciation of atmospheric pressure is dà qì yā, yā pā.

Atmospheric pressure has a wide range of applications, mainly in weather forecasting, aviation, and marine industries. In terms of weather, atmospheric pressure can be used as an indicator for predicting weather changes. Low-pressure systems are often associated with cloudy and rainy weather, while high-pressure systems indicate clear and dry conditions. In aviation, changes in atmospheric pressure need to be taken into consideration for safe takeoff and landing. Similarly, in the marine industry, atmospheric pressure can affect ocean dynamics and ecosystems.

Example sentences:

1. The atmospheric pressure is low today, it might rain.

2. Before takeoff, the airplane needs to check if the atmospheric pressure is suitable.

3. Marine creatures are also affected by atmospheric pressure.

4. Changes in atmospheric pressure can affect people's physical condition.

5. When climbing a mountain, pay attention to changes in atmospheric pressure to avoid altitude sickness.

Related words: meteorology, high pressure, low pressure, barometer, atmosphere


Atmospheric pressure refers to the force exerted by the weight of the atmosphere on a unit area and is measured in pascals (Pa). It has various applications in weather forecasting, aviation, and marine industries. Changes in atmospheric pressure can affect weather conditions and have an impact on human activities such as flying and sea voyages. It is an important physical quantity that plays a significant role in our daily lives.


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