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2、读音:jìng yù,注音:ㄐㄧㄥˋ ㄩˋ,拼音:jìng yù。










解释:the conditions and events that affect someone's life, especially when these are unusual or difficult

用法:He was born into a wealthy family, so he has never experienced the same circumstances as those who grew up in poverty.

读音:jìng yù


解释:the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates

用法:The polluted environment is causing harm to all living beings.

读音:huán jìng

社会地位:social status/position

解释:a person's standing or rank in society

用法:His social status allowed him access to many opportunities that others did not have.

读音:shè huì dì wèi


解释:the knowledge and skills acquired through doing something or being involved in a particular activity

用法:I have had many different experiences in my life that have shaped who I am today.

读音:jīng lì


解释:something that happens, especially something important, interesting, or unusual

用法:The recent events have caused much chaos and confusion in the city.

读音: shì jiàn


解释: a situation that is hard to deal with because it involves obstacles or challenges

用法: She faced many difficulties while trying to start her own business.

读音: kùn nán

幸运: luck/fortune

解释: good things that happen to someone by chance

用法: She considered herself lucky to have found such a supportive group of friends.

读音: xìng yùn

生活状况:living conditions/lifestyle

解释:the way in which a person or group lives, including their social and economic situation

用法:Their living conditions were poor, but they were content with their simple lifestyle.

读音:shēng huó zhuàng kuàng


解释:the combination of circumstances that affect a person at a particular time

用法:He found himself in a difficult situation and didn't know how to handle it.

读音: chǔ jìng


解释: the process or result of making something different

用法: She decided to change her diet in order to improve her health.

读音: gǎi biàn

努力:effort/hard work

解释: the physical or mental energy that is used to do something

用法: With hard work and determination, he was able to achieve his goals.

读音: nǔ lì


解释: a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances

用法: He saw this as his chance for success and seized the opportunity.

读音: jī yù


解释: an event that delays or prevents progress, causing disappointment or frustration

用法: Despite facing many setbacks, she never gave up on her dreams.

读音: cuò zhé


解释: having a positive outlook on life and expecting good things to happen

用法: Her optimistic attitude helped her overcome many challenges.

读音: lè guān


解释: a person's way of thinking and their attitudes and opinions

用法: He had a positive mindset and believed that he could achieve anything he set his mind to.

读音: xīn tài


解释: the process of making small changes to something in order to improve or fix it

用法: She needed to make some adjustments to her schedule in order to balance work and family.

读音: tiáo zhěng


解释:the state of being extremely poor

用法:Many people in this region live in poverty and struggle to meet their basic needs.

读音:pín qióng


解释:a place where children without parents are cared for and provided with shelter, food, and education

用法:The orphanage was overcrowded, but the staff worked tirelessly to provide for all the children.

读音:gū ér yuàn



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